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Sheffield half marathon

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I'm doing the London Marathon for Macmillan this year and intend to do the Sheffield half also legs willing.It's 3 weeks after london and according to people in the know if i don't go lame i should be able to manage both.

If you put the right amount of training in it shouldn't be a problem.

Many years ago iturned up on the day without training and did the sheffield half.I was fine for the first hour but felt like dieing for the last 4.It's certainly not much fun.So make sure you train.See you there.

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It gets easier mate.The next 6 miles you do wont be as bad.The harder something is the more satisfying it is to do.I had never run more than 13 miles until a few weeks ago and now i've done a 20 miles and 3 17 miles.The trouble i now have is plotting a route that is fairly flat but interesting enough to stop it getting boring.

You ought to do a couple of 10k's before the day to get you used to running in a crowd.It also helps in keeping you motivated.

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An excellent prep race is the Huddersfield 10k on Feb 26.


It's much hillier than the Sheffield Half (*much* hillier), but that's good because if you get through that, then the gentle undulations at Sheffield are a breeze.




Closer to home on April 9, there's the Lord Mayor's 10k race which conveniently starts and finsihes at Don Valley Stadium. It's a bit of a funny course though (twisty 3 laps).




Both fine for beginners, but the Sheffield one is much easier.

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I'm doing the Great North Run on the 1st October and have just started training. I did 45 mins today and it nearly killed me.


I have a training schedule I found on the Talk Sport website. Although it's for the London marathon I'm finding it useful. it can be found here http://www.talksport.net/components/1272.pdf


Thanks for letting me know about the Lord Mayor's 10k run. i have printed out an entry form and will enter that as practice.

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