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Tory says, Unemployed should take more risks

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Poor people need to get out in the world and make something of themselves. The benefits system disincentivises this. If we had had the benefits system in the past many of our greatest historical people would not have done the great things that they did.


We've had the benefits system for 100 years or so. Since then there have been periods of full employment and of mass unemployment. Neither of these have been because of the benefits system but because of economic conditions and government policies. If you know where everyone who is currently unemployed in Sheffield can find work then please post the information on here.

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Doubt it. Maybe he took a few risks?


I wonder where Richard Branson would be today had he not taken a risk opening his first record store. Or took a risk with a new young artist called Mike Oldfield?


I was unemployed for a long, long time. Now I have my own business. Was it a risk?




Branson came from a well to do middle class family whose father was a barrister.

If youngsters want to be self employed they get their ESA taken away for a smaller amount of money and no housing benefit. Some incentive that is to start a business!

Can't take more of a risk then that, losing the roof over your head.

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We've had the benefits system for 100 years or so. Since then there have been periods of full employment and of mass unemployment. Neither of these have been because of the benefits system but because of economic conditions and government policies. If you know where everyone who is currently unemployed in Sheffield can find work then please post the information on here.


The Welfare state was introduced in 1945 after WWII - not quite 100 years. The benefits system was a very different animal in my youth to what it has become now, and society was also different. Most families consisted of two parents who lived together and pooled resources. Adult children were expected to live at home until they married, and to work and contribute to the family income. Unemployment benefit was seen, by most, as a last resort.


Self employment is not for everyone. My OH was self employed for years and it can be a precarious source of income. Fortunately I usually had secure employment, but if I hadn't we'd have had problems during times of recession due to lack of work.


Being unemployed isn't good at the moment. I know a couple of people who have lost their jobs in the last year or so, who haven't found work. One has sold up and bought a much cheaper house before it was forced on her. I don't think everyone unemployed in Sheffield will find work, but there are jobs on offer, even the council has quite a few job vacancies in schools such as IT, clerical, caretaking, teaching assistants. Have a look on here: https://jobs.sheffield.gov.uk/school_search.asp?NAV=S


I hope that someone finds the link useful.

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Poor people need to get out in the world and make something of themselves. The benefits system disincentivises this. If we had had the benefits system in the past many of our greatest historical people would not have done the great things that they did.




Richard III A benefit ,a benefit ,my kingdom for a benefit


Martin Luther King "I have a pension....."


Isambard Kingdom Brunel was brought up in a debtors prison befroe tunelling free.


Charles Dickens author of Bleak Housing Benefit and Nickerless Nookie Lass

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There's a few in the Commons and House ofLords that decided to take a few risks,despite having a comfortable wage and a well heeled background.hence the expenses scandal.

I was fortunate to have a 40 year career without unemployment.

Had I become unemployed after say 20 years,would I have been prepared to risk my house to become self employed .Probably not because I am conservative by nature(not politically).

I am sure that some would and I admire them for it.

I am totally in favour of welfare benefits for the purpose intended as a form of insurance when people fall on hard times despite their best efforts.

There are far more people scraping a living on near minimum wage,and could be better off on benefits than the feckless minority who accept benefits as a way of life.

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The Welfare state was introduced in 1945 after WWII - not quite 100 years. The benefits system was a very different animal in my youth to what it has become now, and society was also different. Most families consisted of two parents who lived together and pooled resources. Adult children were expected to live at home until they married, and to work and contribute to the family income. Unemployment benefit was seen, by most, as a last resort.


Self employment is not for everyone. My OH was self employed for years and it can be a precarious source of income. Fortunately I usually had secure employment, but if I hadn't we'd have had problems during times of recession due to lack of work.


Being unemployed isn't good at the moment. I know a couple of people who have lost their jobs in the last year or so, who haven't found work. One has sold up and bought a much cheaper house before it was forced on her. I don't think everyone unemployed in Sheffield will find work, but there are jobs on offer, even the council has quite a few job vacancies in schools such as IT, clerical, caretaking, teaching assistants. Have a look on here: https://jobs.sheffield.gov.uk/school_search.asp?NAV=S


I hope that someone finds the link useful.


You should be careful when correcting people-Lloyd George introduced pensions in 1911,some 103 years ago,paid for by a form of insurance contribution.

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