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Tory says, Unemployed should take more risks

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The Welfare state was introduced in 1945 after WWII - not quite 100 years. The benefits system was a very different animal in my youth to what it has become now, and society was also different. Most families consisted of two parents who lived together and pooled resources. Adult children were expected to live at home until they married, and to work and contribute to the family income. Unemployment benefit was seen, by most, as a last resort.


Self employment is not for everyone. My OH was self employed for years and it can be a precarious source of income. Fortunately I usually had secure employment, but if I hadn't we'd have had problems during times of recession due to lack of work.


Being unemployed isn't good at the moment. I know a couple of people who have lost their jobs in the last year or so, who haven't found work. One has sold up and bought a much cheaper house before it was forced on her. I don't think everyone unemployed in Sheffield will find work, but there are jobs on offer, even the council has quite a few job vacancies in schools such as IT, clerical, caretaking, teaching assistants. Have a look on here: https://jobs.sheffield.gov.uk/school_search.asp?NAV=S


I hope that someone finds the link useful.


Woah! don't start posting jobs on here.




More and more people I know lately have found work (ok maybe not their ideal job) but they have found work.

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My friend moved down to London last year, he nearly spent all his savings on living costs while looking for work, but then he found a job and now earns a good salary. That is what more and more people should be doing, not vegetating at home waiting for jobs to come to them.


Your belief is that we should all pander to the rich.

I could never do that!!!!!:(

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