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Care standards "slipping"

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So says the care quality commission, which is a worry. Certainly when you consider that often when an institution is assessed they have months to prepare. It's not like it's medical negligence, it's a case of mrs nuffnuff being left in a corner with food she can't eat. There is a report somewhere of some poor old soul drinking water out of a flower vase such was her thirst. If this was happening to kids there would be riots, literally riots on the streets. As its old folk or the mentally ill, you need to expect that on average 28% of you care will be substandard or missing. Be nice to your kids as they will be your only advocates. If you haven't got kids, god help us.


http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-20442760 - bbc report of cqc findings.


http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-20427439b- BBC report highlighting 13 real shockers. I've a feeling it was pretty hard to get it down to 13.


Please note - this isnt a thread started to run down the Nhs or the many private care homes etc - most do fantastic work. I don't think it's really a cuts issue either as most of this isn't new. It's about whittling to deadwood, the uncaring and potentially damn righ sadistic who do work with the most vunerable in society.

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You can't blame it all on cuts, yes cuts don't help and we all know that nurses

are rushed most of the time BUT a lot of the nursing staff nowadays just aren't

caring people. I'm not saying ALL, there are some lovely staff with compassion but I've been in hospital several times and witnessed first hand when patients needs have been ignored blatently, from feeding to toilet needs. That's just in one hospital so it must go on in so many hospitals and care homes. It's not a new thing but nothing ever gets done about it.

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You couldn't help yourself could you. This malaise isn't new. What about private care and nursing homes ? Why is care slipping there ?


Low pay, and not enough people wanting to go into those professions now because of that.

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Private Care Homes are affected by the low rates paid by councils and PCTs


Councils don't dictate care home rates - care homes do. You and or your family pay for it, less a varying amount paid for by social services. Bottom line is that if it's £380 a week the home, hook or by crook after a financial assessment by social services get £380 a week. Homes vary massively in price and standard. Council ones, who charge about the same, are not, in my experience a deal better. Food wise I'd say worse.

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Councils don't dictate care home rates - care homes do. You and or your family pay for it, less a varying amount paid for by social services. Bottom line is that if it's £380 a week the home, hook or by crook after a financial assessment by social services get £380 a week. Homes vary massively in price and standard. Council ones, who charge about the same, are not, in my experience a deal better. Food wise I'd say worse.


Sorry, but the rate that councils set is what most care homes get (in Sheffield anyway). Some charge a top up but those are in the minority in the city.

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