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Gas bills to rise yet again

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Well, it looks like our gas bills are to rise again, this time because we need to invest in the future, how come the investors are not putting the money up, they are the ones who will rake in the profits


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It's a comlpete con.


The bills are rising fast enough as it is, now we have to 'invest' in this green nonsense.


I wouldn't mind if it was decent stuff like tidal, but it's those god awful wind turbines that everybody hates!


to be honest,i dont really care what they invest in.....but what gets me, why do they insist the average bloke in the street (who is already struggling to pay his gas bill) has to stump up the money, they will reap the rewards from our investment, the energy companies are making billions, so why do they not reinvest some of their profits.?

its no coincidence some of the rich Tories have a vested interest :suspect::suspect::suspect::suspect:

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Yawn. Cant you go and take your anti tory BS somewhere else.


Were energy bills pennies under Labour then??




Energy bills have risen VERY RAPIDLY under the fascists....whoops tories. They always will as tory boys own the power generating industries.:roll:

I like it when you call me a moron as it shows that you have lost!:hihi:

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It's a comlpete con.


The bills are rising fast enough as it is, now we have to 'invest' in this green nonsense.


I wouldn't mind if it was decent stuff like tidal, but it's those god awful wind turbines that everybody hates!


I wonder if they invest any of their profit into developing renewable energy.

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Energy bills have risen VERY RAPIDLY under the fascists....whoops tories.


This graph shows a more gradual increase, spread out over 10 years [LINK]



I wouldn't mind if it was decent stuff like tidal


Tidal has not yet been implemented on a scale large enough to evaluate its effectiveness. Disadvantages include:


Device Breakdown - Strong ocean storms and salt water corrosion can damage the devices, which could increase the cost of construction to increase durability and/or cause frequent breakdowns.


Shifting Tides - Changes in tidal movement could substantially reduce efficiency of TSGs (Tidal Stream Generator).


Marine Life Affected - Sea life could be harmed by the blades in the open and Venturi turbines. The floor mounting of TSGs could also disrupt the habitats of different sea life and plants.


High Initial Costs - The high cost of the different TSGs and cost of installing power lines underwater could lengthen the payback period and be cost prohibitive based on the characteristics and size of each project.



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