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What Has Been The Happiest Period Of Your Life??

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Some of the happiest periods in my life are spread out over time such as I enjoyed my childhood a lot,then later teenage experiances leading to my twenties when I really gave the ball a kick!.In my thirties I settled down a bit not as hectic but ok,in my fourties and fifties I was quite contented ,when I reached my sixties it was a different kind of happiness counting myself lucky to have avoided a lot of the bad things and setbacks that befell a few of my friends.Hopefully this will continue until I fall off my perch,how about some of you Sheffield Forum friends out there,how was it for you??.:love::hihi:

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My life has been a complete roller coaster of complete Highs and desolately low points. Not one particular period, but scattered throughout my life and at completely different points.


Would I change anything if I could go back!?...Too bloody right I would!

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My life has been a complete roller coaster of complete Highs and desolately low points. Not one particular period, but scattered throughout my life and at completely different points.


Would I change anything if I could go back!?...Too bloody right I would!

I've had a few low points, more highs though, but i don't think i would change anything,everything in life is a learning curve.


I see your a mod now,should you be swearing :o:hihi:

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every day since meeting my fella on that blind date 25 year ago :love:


i have been through some terribly low points but having him helping me drag my self back on top has made everything worth while


i could really smash his teeth down his throat some times but i wouldnt swap him for the world :love:

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