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45 Gallon drum:Home made incinerator: Best design advice please!

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I want to make a home made incinerator out of a 45 gallon drum. I have a friend who says she had one, had holes cut in the bottom and it was pretty much useless.


I've googled it, and found a youtube video with a couple of clowns making one, which was a complete pigs ear.


Does anyone have ideas which will actually work efficiently? Bearing in mind the science of how things burn, and what's best.


It's only for cardboard boxes, and leaves and odd bits and bobs of documents that need to be 'completely' destroyed.

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Open the drums top and give it a good airing, so any explosive fumes from what was in it are released before you start creating sparks. Then cut the top off (stihl saw or if you don't have one then a cold chisel and hammer will do the job, albeit slower). Drill a load of holes of about 1/2" in the sides to about 1/2 the way up (again a cold chisel will create a similar result) Cut out 4 or five bigger (2" to 3") holes in the bottom, line the base with some chicken wire folded over a couple of times, prop up on some bricks on a flat surface (with a metal tray underneath to catch the ash if you're not wanting to just hose it away) and you're away.

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You can buy a decent incinerator with a lid for 20 to 25 quid http://www.bins-n-benches.co.uk/garden-incinerator.html


Seriously, save yourself the hassle.


I work at place that I get a drum for free, and someone who can do the hole burning for nothing too. yes I know I can buy one, but why, when I can get one for free, with a little advice!


Open the drums top and give it a good airing, so any explosive fumes from what was in it are released before you start creating sparks. Then cut the top off (stihl saw or if you don't have one then a cold chisel and hammer will do the job, albeit slower). Drill a load of holes of about 1/2" in the sides to about 1/2 the way up (again a cold chisel will create a similar result) Cut out 4 or five bigger (2" to 3") holes in the bottom, line the base with some chicken wire folded over a couple of times, prop up on some bricks on a flat surface (with a metal tray underneath to catch the ash if you're not wanting to just hose it away) and you're away.


Thanks Andy....I don't need to worry about cutting holes or the lid off. Where I work I can get someone to do that...it's just the science of combustion, and what holes are needed where that, I needed advive on.

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I work at place that I get a drum for free, and someone who can do the hole burning for nothing too. yes I know I can buy one, but why, when I can get one for free, with a little advice!




Thanks Andy....I don't need to worry about cutting holes or the lid off. Where I work I can get someone to do that...it's just the science of combustion, and what holes are needed where that, I needed advive on.


Just copy one of the ones you can buy, I imagine they have already thought about the amount of holes and where they should be.


I have one of these, it was free doesn't rust and holes are alreay in it.

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cut top with a hammer and sharp cold chisel 2 minuets half fill with water or sand for a bit of weight put approx. 6 holes in with a pick 1 minuet longest job is adding weight, water is easy to empty as holes go in .Add paper and burn

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