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New laws to tackle stalking introduced

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The calls for reform came after a series of cases involving stalkers who went on to kill, including Clifford Mills, 49, who stalked his ex-girlfriend Lorna Smith on Facebook before stabbing her to death at his flat in Brixton, south London, in February last year.


He was jailed in February for life, with a minimum term of 21 years, after being found guilty of murder.

how does anybody know about Facebook stalking though? Unless it comes with actual threats/messages


People really should be more careful with what they put on there. A friend recently told me of an incident where she'd met up with friends, one of whom had done that 'out at X, with A,B&C' thing. How do you stop friends from flagging your house is empty in that fashion, or from grassing you up to people you don't want knowing your business?

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See s.111/112 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2012/9/section/111#text%3D%22stalking%22



Thank you.


©the person whose course of conduct it is knows or ought to know that the course of conduct amounts to harassment of the other person.


... appears to cover my query.



©publishing any statement or other material—

(i)relating or purporting to relate to a person, or

(ii)purporting to originate from a person,

(d)monitoring the use by a person of the internet, email or any other form of electronic communication,


.... would appear to cover Strix's.

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See s.111/112 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2012/9/section/111#text%3D%22stalking%22


Cheers for the link Jeffrey. Looking at the way it's worded it seems like they've not even tried to come up with a precise law. Criminalise everything if it's done in a "stalky" way and let the judges sort it out.

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Im really not convinced we needed any new laws. We could have just enforced the ones we had better. If someone threatened to kill another person the police could have just taken it seriously rather than told the victim to keep a note of everything. I guess its a step forward though.

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I wonder how the legislation is worded.


The Scots version is a bit worrying in as much as it can criminalise 'A' if 'B' feels threatened regardless of whether or not 'A' intended to threaten.


Unfortunately a lot of the law works on intention and recklessness which just defines the severity.

Intention having the ' men's rea' or putting things in action to intentionally cause the act and recklessness is the carrying out of the act not with the intention to harm or damage but knowing that there is a possibility that harm or damage may be done.

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