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There is a difference between a conspiracy theory, and a conspiracy?

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The vast majority of conspiracy theories are ridiculous and I'm disturbed by how popular they are today compared to a decade ago. Anyone who believes 911 was organised by the CIA should check in at the nearest psychiatric hospital.


I used to be like you.


Perhaps the spread of the internet accounts for the 'popularity' of 'conspiracy theories,' as we have more access to information from different points of view.


Of course there is also a lot of rubbish on the internet so it pays to be discerning, but now the evidence of the rotton heart at the centre of worldwide government, Banks and business is so overwhelming it's hard to deny for anyone with eyes to see.


So overwhelming is the evidence now, that what was once only to be found on the internet and therefore suspect, is finding its way into the mainstream media and comes from highly respected journalists and sources.


Tonight is a case in point: 3 different programmes on 3 different terrestrial channels - 8.0pm 'Where has your aid money gone?' Channel 4 Dispatches, about how British aid has been used in Rwanda.

8.30pm BBC1 Panorama, 'Undercover: How to avoid Tax,' an undercover investigation into corporate service providers - the people and companies who sell corporate anonymity and access to offshore tax havens.

And at 10.00pm BBC4 (channel 9) 'Why Poverty? Stealing Africa,' how the tax systems and tricks employed by a multinational corporation has impoverished Zambia. (methods used all over Africa.)


Any one of these programmes on its own was disturbing, but the effect of watching all three one after the other was truly devastating. No more will I question what is going to happen in the world. It is plain for anyone to see.


I suggest people watch them on iplayer. If anyone would like to defend the actions of those involved, I would be very interested to hear them try...

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I have been following Goldman sachs since they went into Greece to cook the books, a long time before it went pear shaped. When one cooks the books one knows where the skeletons are, as one planted them, sold the investments that allowed the borrowings. So on is in a position to crash the country, as one placed the charges in specific areas.


Greece gave the world democracy, why else would it be first on the pyre, but to remind those with a modicum of wider education, that as democracy is DEAD in Greece, so the takeover of the central banks in many other countries is just a matter of time. Control the money you control the government, and control the people. The Nazis made people walk into the death chambers, it is now a reinterpretation of the process, as we now all march into debt slavery, where debt shackles individuals, governments and nations. Wake up kids...please take a look at what is going on before you say its rubbish.


Below is a few references, the first for the idiots to carp over, despite it is riddles with additional references. Its just I like to know who is FU88ing me, whereas it seems most enjoy the experience on this post.












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I have been following Goldman sachs since they went into Greece to cook the books, a long time before it went pear shaped. When one cooks the books one knows where the skeletons are, as one planted them, sold the investments that allowed the borrowings. So on is in a position to crash the country, as one placed the charges in specific areas.


Greece gave the world democracy, why else would it be first on the pyre, but to remind those with a modicum of wider education, that as democracy is DEAD in Greece, so the takeover of the central banks in many other countries is just a matter of time. Control the money you control the government, and control the people. The Nazis made people walk into the death chambers, it is now a reinterpretation of the process, as we now all march into debt slavery, where debt shackles individuals, governments and nations. Wake up kids...please take a look at what is going on before you say its rubbish.


Below is a few references, the first for the idiots to carp over, despite it is riddles with additional references. Its just I like to know who is FU88ing me, whereas it seems most enjoy the experience on this post.













Interesting links. But I wonder how many will bother to read them.


As the links say, it's interesting that one of the banks responsible for the banking crisis, now 'rule' most of Europe. What was that about a 'New world order'? At the very least it makes you wonder....

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It only "makes you wonder" if you look for conspiracies all over the place. Ill stick to being a gullible sheep and read / watch the main stream media thanks..... Id rather live a life of naive gulibilty than be totally paranoid.


"Conspirisists" are a very good example of the saying "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing"

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"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iA7wdO00VI" Conspitisists are a very good example of the saying "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing"


Nah. That is far better suited to Financial Advisors, Insurance Salesmen and folks with multiple internet persona. Dontcha think?

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It only "makes you wonder" if you look for conspiracies all over the place. Ill stick to being a gullible sheep and read / watch the main stream media thanks..... Id rather live a life of naive gulibilty than be totally paranoid.


"Conspirisists" are a very good example of the saying "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing"


Really...? How would you know? You never seem to look at anything beyond the end of your nose...


Stick to the mainstream media by all means - can I suggest you start with the 3 mainstream programmes I highlighted in my previous post.


Naive gulibility certainly has its attractions, but the opposite isn't 'paranoid.'

The word you're looking for is 'informed.'

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Mis-informed would be a better description.

If I was really cyncial, I'd wonder why it is that the rise in belief in ever more unreal conspiracies has increased since the final dismisal of Marxism as a realistic political system - I guess its the same people believe in both - With a (un)healthy does of anti-semitism thrown in of course.

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