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There is a difference between a conspiracy theory, and a conspiracy?

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Can you work out what this might be?




In 1956 Britain, France and Israel conspired at Sèvres in France and created the Protocol of Sèvres.


This would involve a false flag attack by Israel against Egypt, after which Britain and France would step in, in a "peace keeping" role, to bring "stability" to the region.


Whereas their real objectives were [a] secure control of assets they deemed important to them (in this case, the Suez Canal) and regime change.


(Stop me if this sounds familiar.)


Now if at the time it had been possible to post on something like Sheffield Forum that this was what was going on, the responses would doubtless have featured words like "tin foil hat", "conspiracy theorist" and "loon".


But because it's a part of history, everybody now accepts it.


But have politicians become angels and saints since 1956? Apparently so, when any kind of underhand motive ascribed to them (e.g. the real reasons for invading Iraq) are just dismissed.

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Banks according to some do not conspire, but this is questionable with our own native lot, regarding the latest fraud, PPI sales.


Payment (as pointed out below by s10)) Protection Insurance was initiated as a scam, a fraud, a con, that paid the banks a fortune. This fraud was committed on an industrial level, as 30-40 million people were ensnared and were persuaded to give the banks their hard earned money, in this elaborate scam.


The figures are staggering, industrialised fraud, 30-40 million suckers milked, and the banks still refuse to pay out, requiring the ombudsman to kick their arses. So its not just a conspiracy to defraud once, but the banks try it on through refusing claims a second time, thus putting individuals off getting their money back. The ombudsman passes nearly all refused claims. Might this indicate that the banks and the term greed combine to invent scams on industrial levels? Or is it or was it an accident, or interbank coincidence?


Were you or I allowed to repay a scam we thought up, where would we might reside just now. How many bankers have been prosecuted over this scam? Answer none.


Was this a conspiricy? Was this crime done knowing it was fraud? Was this an acident? Was it a co-incidence all the banks were in on it? Do they now pontificate that they have put money asside to pay back. They appear to be doing the public a favour paying back the money they knowingly stole.


Is it a co-incidence Goldman people just happen to be in control or so many countries money, and in many cased their sovereignty no longer exists, as the banks dictate the terms what happens in the country, and how the money is spent. Its the end of democracy. When Hitler came to power he informed the population democracy was a spent force, and did not work, and he would abolish it completely. He it seems was more open than the deceitful banks.



S10 mainly...I am getting all the stuff ready for the pensions scam, which may take a couple of year or so to blow up, so whenever that surfaces, a much bigger swindle that anything ever before, but lets keep to the present, and what the banks have been recorded to have done. Thanks again for correcting me.

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Its not Pension its Payment Protection Insurance.

That is not a case of semantics, its typical of the "small but vital differences" used by people with a very dubious axe to grind.


PPI was always voluntary on the part of the loanee, rather like an extended Warranty from Comet or whereever - Nothing more sinister than Banks wanting to increase their profits.

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Can you work out what this might be?


Mark Carney Takes Over Bank Of England will be the headline in the news, on TV and the rest of the media. They might even spice it up with the fact he is Canadian. So facts, but limited facts.


It just so happens he will be moving from Goldman Sachs, who are global bankers.

No he won't. He'll be moving from his post as the director of the Canadian national bank. He has worked for GS in the past.

Strangely enough people have been moving from Goldman Sachs to other banks.

Yes, how strange, people changing jobs.

These countries now have their banks run by Goldman Sachs.

Which countries exactly? And you mean 'run by' people who used to work for GS. Hardly that surprising.

The countries I am referring to are local ones, thus Goldman Sachs tentacles now embrace Ireland, Belgium, Germany, Italy, France, Greece, and now the UK. I nearly forgot the European Central Bank.

News flash, people have employment histories.


Running the central bank for a country in banking terms, translates to the ordinary Jo, like me, that Goldman Sachs has hold of everyone’s testicles, which sadistic bankers are prone to squeezing. Why do you think Europe is wrecked, and so many people committing suicide? The bail out of the banks? maybe????

I'm not sure what this has to do with the bail out?

This take over of the European banks from one exclusive organisation to any law abiding citizen is possibly just a co-incidence. Obviously there was no other suitable applicant available anywhere on earth that fitted the bill.

There were several, what's your point. This guy appears to have steered the Canadian economy through the recent events without needing to bail out their banks...

Is this a take over

There is no 'take over'
by one bank for consolidating the banks hold on sovereign nations? If this was so it the banking world has extraordinary power over a nation’s finances. To put it another way they now run the country concerned. Or am I just imagining it all? Is this the result of a conspiracy, just another daft theory, or just a bad dream?

Your conspiracy theory is that the guy is still somehow working for or controlled by GS. There is no evidence to suggest that this is true, hence conspiracy theory.

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Well done Cyclone, nothing like picking up the fag end and giving it all you have got. Well at least you made me laugh outright!


Sadly I decided to qualify it a bit, could have smothered the whole lot written so far in references but here are a few, and YOU appear to be the type to CARP on, about stuff for the sake of what?

So the first reference is specifically for your type of analytical mind, a reference you can diss out of hand, the rest, other references are for the grown ups. .











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Well done Cyclone, nothing like picking up the fag end and giving it all you have got. Well at least you made me laugh outright!


Sadly I decided to qualify it a bit, could have smothered the whole lot written so far in references but here are a few, and YOU appear to be the type to CARP on, about stuff for the sake of what?

So the first reference is specifically for your type of analytical mind, a reference you can diss out of hand, the rest, other references are for the grown ups. .












5 links that don't work are clearly all the proof that is needed that Goldman Sachs control the world. Well done for opening our eyes.

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Thank you for informing me things were not as they should be, although the last two links worked ok, it is a bit infuriating when something repeatedly messes up, like the fiorst three. I would also have assumed it was all rubbish. I do apologise for this, and have no idea why the first 3 of them went pear shaped. You are justified in your sarcasm , as I might /would have done the same.


Hope this helps and again sorry for the inconvenience.


1) After you click on the link, WHEN THE HEADING COMES UP on the half opened page click on the heading ther, with the info.co, bit, AND ...hopefully..BINGO... http://www.infowars.com/goldman-sach...medium=twitter


2) Again repeat the same thing as above as heading comes up with error on it, click on the part open page and it opens......... http://www.ianfraser.org/dear-david-...s-no-solution/


3) Changed this so you can go through with no problem. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/14/business/global/14debt.html?pagewanted=all


4) This went through wiith no problem http://www.zerohedge.com/news/just-w...-goldman-swaps


5) this went to the page with no problem. http://marketdailynews.com/2012/11/2...ver-of-europe/

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Banks according to some do not conspire, but this is questionable with our own native lot, regarding the latest fraud, PPI sales.


Payment (as pointed out below by s10)) Protection Insurance was initiated as a scam, a fraud, a con, that paid the banks a fortune. This fraud was committed on an industrial level, as 30-40 million people were ensnared and were persuaded to give the banks their hard earned money, in this elaborate scam.


The figures are staggering, industrialised fraud, 30-40 million suckers milked, and the banks still refuse to pay out, requiring the ombudsman to kick their arses. So its not just a conspiracy to defraud once, but the banks try it on through refusing claims a second time, thus putting individuals off getting their money back. The ombudsman passes nearly all refused claims. Might this indicate that the banks and the term greed combine to invent scams on industrial levels? Or is it or was it an accident, or interbank coincidence?

I guess the banks don't run the government then. Since the ombudsman did kick their backside.


Were you or I allowed to repay a scam we thought up, where would we might reside just now. How many bankers have been prosecuted over this scam? Answer none.

Who do you imagine these 'bankers' to be? You could go and get a job with a bank if you like, and when someone takes out a mortgage you could advise them to take PPI.

Would that make you part of some global conspiracy?


Was this a conspiricy? Was this crime done knowing it was fraud? Was this an acident? Was it a co-incidence all the banks were in on it? Do they now pontificate that they have put money asside to pay back. They appear to be doing the public a favour paying back the money they knowingly stole.


Is it a co-incidence Goldman people just happen to be in control or so many countries money

You mean people that once worked at GS. Who no longer do. And by 'in control' you mean appointed by an elected official who can sack them just as quickly?

and in many cased their sovereignty no longer exists, as the banks dictate the terms what happens in the country, and how the money is spent. Its the end of democracy. When Hitler came to power he informed the population democracy was a spent force, and did not work, and he would abolish it completely. He it seems was more open than the deceitful banks.

Woe is we.



S10 mainly...I am getting all the stuff ready for the pensions scam, which may take a couple of year or so to blow up, so whenever that surfaces, a much bigger swindle that anything ever before, but lets keep to the present, and what the banks have been recorded to have done. Thanks again for correcting me.

Maybe if spend less time looking for conspiracy theories and more time doing other stuff, you'll be a happier person...

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I personally do not have to worry about anything for the next few decades, as my stint in the treadmill secured my future. Prior to selling myself for the bag of silver, I knew the game of greed, and although it is a popular sport for the greedy to fleece the poor, I was fortunate enough to service the rich.


It is through seeing the bigger picture and how the little pieces are put together, slowly, stealth is the key, one does not grab lots of money but milk the struggling of significant figures, realising that there are million of struggling. So a thousand here or there, becomes a significant amount in a well designed scam involving potentially tens of millions of suckers..


When devising such a scam, its construction is a very careful concept. It can take a few years to put the pieces together, its not robbing a post office late at night. When one robs a bank one has always to make a getaway, as getting in, is relatively easy, and so it is with a well thought out scam. You start by covering your arse, thus intent becomes obsolete, and with clever lawyers, who are very expensive, if it all goes pear shaped, can be explained as a mistake, anywhere once it is put in action. So no crime at all, and no prosecutions either. Because this sort of scam pays billions, it is very complex, the average Joe will accept the sales pitch, which is basically hope and security, packaged in a wrapping of fears. So its mathematical, as well as psychological, as every avenue is worked out and every angle covered. As the end justifies the means, and greed makes one laugh at at eh suckers, while biting one’s tongue so to speak.


A scam of substance is not smash and grab, that’s for lower life forms, it has to run for at least a decade before some clever bas**d alerts people. Another decade of legal wrangling, and then capitulation, with no apology. Under duress one then offers to compensate the suckers, normally the money lost at most, normally its pennies in the pound. But there has been nearly two decades of using the suckers money, and the biggest joke of all, is that over 20 years it is worth a fraction of what it was, in buying power. So its really pence in the pound due to devaluation. Meanwhile the contributions which are in billion, have been churning away, paying what is known as dividends, which fortunately do not go to the suckers, who are often charged fees as well to manage their money. It makes taking sweets from babies seem like hard work, except those in on the scam have made tens to hundreds of millions for individauls, collectively a few billion.


One then takes a decade to slowly pay most of the suckers back while using their money all the time. Another add on is to create firms to help suckers to get their money back, thus turning them over again in fees. To construct such a scam, one uses the brightest people one can buy, and paying them 100's of thousands a year, to construct each section of the scam, it’s chicken feed, when compared to what their construction creates.

So a conspiracy is and can be dismissed as a theory, if you have the power of the money the opposition lacks. Your are fortunately dealing with an educationally challenged public, who has neither the skill, ability, or academic range to begin to understand the complexity of the scam. One can wipe the floor with critics for years, buying a meal or bribing journalist is par for the course, like politicians they are cheap. If someone plays the hero, we all know how fragile the human body can be, and accidents happen, people slip, fall, traffic is relentless, things catch fire, and families can be threatened. All done with threats, and who would not be persuaded through threats or bribes to reconsider their values? Children have accidents too, and backed by millions at the start of the scam, there are a lot of poor desperate people who will do a multitude of things of the price is right. A junkie can be persuaded to murder for a few pounds, when desperate for instance. Its called delegation, as who wants to get their hands dirty? There is never any connection, and bottom and there are so many desperate bottom feeders


So there are no conspiracies, and remember to say theory, thus making it clear its a joke, and not serious. Poking around, finding out facts of criminal intent can like smoking cigarettes shorten one's life. With money you can find anyone anywhere, and know where they are to the metre. What is surveillance for if not for the privileged to exploit? And of course most of this is fiction, a theory, a fantasy, imagination.

Knowledge is power, and not talking about knowing soap stars and celebrity pop culture, the circuses for the plebs! They need distractions, it lets the grown ups empty their pockets...

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