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Law of diminishing returns

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It seems like everyone is out to grab our money. We are bombarded with advertising on tv/radio, internet, paper media, hoardings. Then there are those infuriating phone calls, emails and junk mail.


If that is not enough, charities are getting increasingly 'in your face' and greedy for more and more.


All this on top of ever increasing demands from national and local government through taxes and fines, not to mention the utility companies.


I am sick to the back teeth of all the greed, and can't help thinking there has to be a saturation point.


Have we reached the point where more advertising does not equal higher returns?

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It seems like everyone is out to grab our money. We are bombarded with advertising on tv/radio, internet, paper media, hoardings. Then there are those infuriating phone calls, emails and junk mail.


If that is not enough, charities are getting increasingly 'in your face' and greedy for more and more.


All this on top of ever increasing demands from national and local government through taxes and fines, not to mention the utility companies.


I am sick to the back teeth of all the greed, and can't help thinking there has to be a saturation point.


Have we reached the point where more advertising does not equal higher returns?


If the answer was yes then companies would have stopped paying for expensive adverts.

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It seems like everyone is out to grab our money.
They are. People with money are a rare beast these days.


Some (commercial entities, charities) you have a choice about, some (Gvt, Council, taxes) you don't.

I am sick to the back teeth of all the greed, and can't help thinking there has to be a saturation point.
It's not greed as such (although, as regards taxation, one has to wonder... ;)). They just want your business - whether you have any to give or not.


The good thing is that, save for the taxes bit, you get to set your own point of dimishing return, e.g. by refusing to consume more or different: don't let it get to you, just switch off/don't pay attention/don't acknowledge/etc.


No, I will not give 1% to the Red Cross, and no, I don't want to adopt a f*&^% panda/tiger/dolphin/whale, and no, I don't want an iPad mini and no, I don't need to buy 3 more bottles of wine or an extra kilo of potatoes for 50% more expense - etc.

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If the answer was yes then companies would have stopped paying for expensive adverts.
Advertizing is at saturation point. Companies are paying immense amounts of money just to be visible, because they believe they will fail if they don't. Who eventually pays the bill for it, you and I do, even if we don't watch the commercials.
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looks brilliant. :)
As old-school, hardcore, horizontal shooters go, it doesn't get much better. I'm only selling mine as I now have a "multicart" with this title (and the sequels) on it, to raise funds towards a 3rd arcade cab (...I'm not greedy, I'm a collector/afflicted with OCD: there is a difference! :D)


See, it's easy to solve the OP's quandary: enjoy the past and present, have no need of having someone else's idea of a future sold to/brainwashed into you ;)

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What amuses me is the way companies/supermarkets,etc, boast about giving money to charity.Are we supposed to be pleased about that ? They are using our money to do it and charging us way over the odds at the same time, they also have begging buckets at checkouts and if I heard it correctly,for every £1 we give they claim tax back.

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