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How to tell someone about a smell issue!

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Shared houses- the OCD cleaner versus the busy sociable sportsman. Heard it, heard it again. Life is hard, deal with it. The messy/smelly house mate is NEVER EVER unaware that he is this. He simply doesn't care. Deal with it. The clean freaks of this world are very good at uniting against the messy people in this world. He is your housemate. You must be young, you're probably a student. Accept you no longer live in your family home. Live a little. If his sports kit smells, go out, get drunk, go to a party, the cinema, join his sports club. He has probably had 18 years of being nagged by his Mum/Dad/Teacher, do you really want this role.


If you are bothered enough to complain on here, do his washing for him on the day you want it done. He clearly has more interesting, more fun things to be doing after sports than washing and drying his clothes, probably things like socialising, dating, pulling. In ten years time one of you will regret a few things from their youth, I guarantee he won't regret doing his washing the morning after the match, or even a week later. You may regret alienating your housemates and cleaning your shared house.

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Clean freaks make boring housemates, friends and colleagues. He plays sport twice a week. The complaint is he doesn't wash his sports kit immediately. I suggest psychotherapy as the best solution to the ongoing relationship difficulties. Sport in general is a team activity, and requires and develops good interpersonal skills, particularly to sustain the twice weekly commitment required for the sports kit to become an issue for Cutie. I advise Cutie to join a sports team twice a week for a year, to experience and develop her understanding of her friends perspective. It would be a good all round solution. One year on I am certain they would both be a lot happier and getting along much better. They can also wash their sports kit together when they get home, share stories of achievements/losses and the socialising that goes with team sports and massage each others aching limbs with Deep Heat. QED

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If the smell is in his room, how is it your business anyway?


Crap answer; passive aggressive and just horrible.


Rubbish. 'Special sports detergent' is nothing more than a marketing ploy designed to part fools from their money.


So after three comments can the fishy one provide a solution to the problem?

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