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Welfare to Work scheme misses its target

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i hope the people who were praising companies like a4e etc now want answers from the gov about why they were wasting their tax money.


Let's not forget New Labour's role in this, Blunkett had his fingers in the A4e pie and they were the proponents of this wretched welfare-to-work scheme. http://www.communitycare.co.uk/articles/29/02/2008/107443/james-purnell-promises-longer-and-larger-welfare-contracts.htm

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What a surprise...


There are few jobs on the market, so let's pay companies to find people jobs which are not there, and while they are at it lets get them to force the unemployed do the jobs that people could have had so that the companies employing them don't need any more workers as they are getting them for free from the Jobcentre/A4e etc.


Politics aside, it's doomed to failure.



As a sidenote to all the unemployed bashers on here... Don't you think that the majority of the people who are now unemployed have paid their bit into the system before they were unemployed?


If I were made redundant tomorrow, I would feel very very cross at the way the unemployed are being treated by society, afterall when they take my tax/NI/VAT etc, it's not like I have a choice is it?


Same with redundancy.

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whats all this sympathy for the unemployed on SF!!!.. i cant believe it.

according to a lot on posters on here people like me should be left to rot and why not?. isnt it all about how much effort each individual puts in to finding work?

i have lost count of the times people have said well you know there are jobs out there, its up to you to go and get them. Ha Ha , well i hope this news makes those types of people really ask the government how their money is being used as a cover of helping the unemployed where in reality its being cyphoned off into a companys shareholders bonuses!!

after all its the tax payers money.

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Let's not forget New Labour's role in this, Blunkett had his fingers in the A4e pie and they were the proponents of this wretched welfare-to-work scheme. http://www.communitycare.co.uk/articles/29/02/2008/107443/james-purnell-promises-longer-and-larger-welfare-contracts.htm


hhaahhha typical tory wash in trying to water things down and pin stuff on Labour. These missed targets for lowering unemployment through these bullying schemes were set after the 2010 election.

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hhaahhha typical tory wash in trying to water things down and pin stuff on Labour. These missed targets for lowering unemployment through these bullying schemes were set after the 2010 election.




Believe me, the unemployed were being bullied during the New Labour years, there were many 'little hitler' types employed in education that would reduce those clients to tears.


Free labour (or work placements as they were called) being given to large companies, vunerable people being pushed from pilar to post. It was probably far worse before 2010 because when New Labour were in charge, nobody gave a monkeys. For example, A4e were pulling almost the same thing under New Labour that they are now, its just now they are being questioned.


At things are now being brought to the surface. WOuld people know about the antics of A4e had Labour won the last election?

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While the ministers scramble about trying to justify the unjustifiable, while the truism is there are precious few jobs about etc. etc. nobody seems to mention this:


These 'providers' mask themselves as 'training providers' when, in reality there is no training on offer - simply disruption to the unemployed's lives and incarceration.


While some would say this is a good thing, it proves that whatever these 'providers' put on their tender documents, they were simply lying. There will always be businesses who want a piece of this particular trough but soon realise that, while it seems a good idea at the time, they are simply not willing or able to put the necessary resources in place.


This deviation from their core business caused the downfall of previously well-run organisations such as Remploy (who disgracefully abandoned their disabled clientele thinking this 'Work Programme' scam would pay better), Tritec etc.


Of course, as long as ministers - of all parties - have only the illusion that these schemes are working to keep them in jobs, nothing will be done. These cowboys with no experience of the market will flourish and the likes of Emma Harrison will continue to steal taxpayers money.

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I doubt that very much. Some will be and there will always be people like that no matter what, but I suspect most people on benefits don't want to be unemployed. Recently there have been attempts to villify the unemployed and certain sections of society http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-20431729


Having read the article, a key sentence stands out:


"Beveridge's system was about social insurance. People paid in contributions and got back benefits at times of need."


So what in your opinion should be done about those who've never paid in? They're entitled to nothing yet keep receiving. What's your opinion of this? I'd say they should rely on vouchers so the state's duty of care is carried out and nothing else. Why should they be given other peoples money?

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There's only one solution to the lack of jobs and that's to split one full time job into two part-time jobs.


I'm not entirely sure if your post was a bit of wry sarcasm, but the reality is, that's exactly what's happening according to a news article on the beeb this morning. It was pointing out that a good number of people are having no choice but to turn to part time work, when what they really want is full time work.


It did occur to me to start a thread this morning on this threads topic, about the firms tasked with getting people back into full time work for at least six months and failing dismally. But I knew someone would start one at some point today.


I agree it's a fairly transparent ruse to massage the enemployment figures. Which it clearly has done in my view.

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