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How Much Would You Pay For A Car?

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I,ve just been to Mercedes Meadowhall to have a small job doing on my car,in the waiting room you can watch into the working garage area through a full length window.As I was talking to an old pal who worked there a beautiful sports car drove in for its first service,it was a model I hadn,t seen before very large and powerful looking,so I asked him how much it cost"Around 80grand maybe""Double it" he said.It was £165000 he had sold it himself and the man had paid cash also buying another model at the same time!.Now I am a car nut but come on you would be scared to park it up as well drive it,I don,t think I would blow that much cash on a car even if I was loaded,by the way it did 12miles to the gallon.How much would anyone on the Forum pay for a car in these austere times??.:huh::confused:


it's all proportional to income and wealth isn't it.


I think we did a poll before and most people would spend up to 1/4 or a 1/3 of their annual income on a car. So if you earn 500k/year then a 160k car isn't unreasonable. And of course the fuel cost won't be a worry, and you probably won't be parking it anywhere that it's at high risk of damage, or the repair costs won't overly concern you either.

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If I had 165k to blow on a car, I would spend about 25k on a car, then put the rest into a charitable trust fund and do something decent with the money, like Water Aid or Cancer Research.


What if that 165k was just a 3rd of your annual income? Would you keep giving away 140k every 3rd of a year?

Maybe the guy already gave 200k to charity and was treating himself to a car as well.

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What if that 165k was just a 3rd of your annual income? Would you keep giving away 140k every 3rd of a year?

Maybe the guy already gave 200k to charity and was treating himself to a car as well.


Maybe indeed! Difficult to say, but I would like to think that I would still think it's obscene to spend so much on a car when there are so many good causes and needy people in the world.


I like to think that, even if I was a millionaire, I would find it hard to justify spending £165k on what is basically a metal box with a wheel at each corner when that money could make such a fundamental difference to so many people in the world.

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it's all proportional to income and wealth isn't it.


I think we did a poll before and most people would spend up to 1/4 or a 1/3 of their annual income on a car. So if you earn 500k/year then a 160k car isn't unreasonable. And of course the fuel cost won't be a worry, and you probably won't be parking it anywhere that it's at high risk of damage, or the repair costs won't overly concern you either.


It seems to be the opposite to be honest. Many of my wealthier friends drive cars that cost less than those that are less wealth off.


Our own car is worth less than a 10th of our annual income .

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Maybe indeed! Difficult to say, but I would like to think that I would still think it's obscene to spend so much on a car when there are so many good causes and needy people in the world.


I like to think that, even if I was a millionaire, I would find it hard to justify spending £165k on what is basically a metal box with a wheel at each corner when that money could make such a fundamental difference to so many people in the world.


Good on you - hope you make your millions and get to test that theory out!

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It seems to be the opposite to be honest. Many of my wealthier friends drive cars that cost less than those that are less wealth off.


Our own car is worth less than a 10th of our annual income .


It was only a poll on here, not exactly scientific ;)


And obviously even if it were accurate, it's an average thing, there will be lots of outliers to the average who spend far less or far more of a % of their income on a car based on their priorities and preferences.

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It was only a poll on here, not exactly scientific ;)


And obviously even if it were accurate, it's an average thing, there will be lots of outliers to the average who spend far less or far more of a % of their income on a car based on their priorities and preferences.


Haha agree - polls on SF do not Necessarily reflect a totally accurate picture of society.

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