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Erm, excuse me, 'The Gays'...


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Why is Sheffield gay scene so crap?


I have moved up here from London (yeah, I know...) and even though the scene there is HUGE and DEPRESSING in equal quantities there is at least some alternatives that play good* music and have people who dont dress as if they are up for hosting Cbeebies.


Not that I care at all how people dress or look, but you would think that in a city as laid-back and different as Sheffield there would be at least ONE alternative to the '2 pints of breezer and a blowey' type nights that go on.


Oh and before someone mentions Razor Stilletto, that looks tired and as if it would be full of Japanese art students in eye-liner and people who think owning a PIL album makes for some kind of artistic-social-commentry.


A pub, some decks and cheap booze would do it. In fact I'd do it, if I wasn't so NEW to this town.



*anything you cant buy in Woolworths

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Originally posted by tonton_mac

A pub, some decks and cheap booze would do it. In fact I'd do it, if I wasn't so NEW to this town.


Go ahead, you'd probably get a decent crowd and I'm sure there are pubs in and around the city centre that would be up for it. Some of my gay friends would love an alternative to the naff gay clubs in Sheffield.

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compared to London it will be crap, it has moved along way over the last 6/7 months, have a look at this link, it should help.




Or check my link my my signature at the bottom. :thumbsup:


Xes has less of the people who dont dress as if they are up for hosting Cbeebies, I love that line as well, "cbeebies" hehe

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Oh I can see its moved on a bit but old men dressed as women doing vaudeville in pubs is not really what I am after, same with the Climax and Fuel type things, I am not really a 'climax' kind of person, more drunk, more stoned type things.


Is it what anyone wants though? I mean does ANYONE really want anything different or are they really after that whole 'Top Shop with a Dance Floor-2-4-1 on alcopops' thing? I have a boyfriend so I don't want to pull, just meet other 'gay' people who are like me.


Maybe thats missing the point? What about Dempseys? They look refreshingly old-skool. Would they be into doing something else? or is there really no call for this, up here?



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Another Fine Mess, fortnightly at the Lescar, is the most gay night in Sheffield. Paradoxically it is also the most straight. It's a pink glove-punk funk ragga implosion for marmots. Serious future space disco and robot Hip-hop. Or something.

Those 'Go' kids explored the issue well in their last fanzine: perhaps Sheffield's future socialist harmony has removed the need for sexuality-based segregation in the clubbing scene...i.e. you're not likely to feel unwelcome at any one of this fine city's better nights, being as they are inclusive of all persuasions . But, it could be argued, that isn't really a 'gay scene' as such. In fact, it isn't really anything.

Shame about the Climax thing - Tim and James (who do the back room) are wicked DJs but apparently that hasn't been faring too well of late...just very eclectic but mainly funk/soul/disco/rare groove etc. Seems all the kids want to camp it up to bad euro-pop in the s**t room.

Anyway, Rough Disko is wicked...also Lights Down Low. And Another Fine Mess of course. Seek and ye shall find...

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I've just read the Fuel thread and their saying:


"we are going to be bringing you a complete variety of mainstream, trendy, underground and alternative nights as well as massive improvements to the venue itself.

if ANYONE has ANY suggestions or would like to get involved in an event or night then feel free to contact us"




"you will be suprised how open minded we are!"


All of us that want that lil bit more should put our heads together and come up with something......



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Originally posted by tonton_mac

Stef, that sounds perfect. Whens the next one?




Another Fine Mess will be next Friday at The Lescar free in 8 while close "in the back, a dutty soul disko rap attack"...


Lights Down Low will be the 4th Feb @DnR Live (check "Notices & Events" for other stuff)


Peas out.


p.s. Have you got a mac? :thumbsup:

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