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Erm, excuse me, 'The Gays'...


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Originally posted by tonton_mac

Why is Sheffield gay scene so crap?


I have moved up here from London



Because its SHEFFIELD and not LONDON. We are a very, very tiny place compared to london, very very small so you cant expect much. If you estimate the total percentage of gay people in SHeffield at being, say about 5% of the whole, how can you measure this as huge demand? Oh the 5% is a wild guess, someone correct me if its 25% or something....I really have no idea, but I am guessing its a small percentage which can be viewed as limited demand.

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Hello "The Gays" :wave: (lovin' the title to this thread)


Just felt a sudden urge to point something out to you fellas...


The straight club scene in Sheffield it ****e too!!!!


Boll*cks to your sexuality - we ALL need a better Sheffield nightlife!!!!! Going out in the steel city is pants!!!

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JBee: That's the most ridiculous, pathetic and negative post I've ever read. Had you actually ever bothered to go and look for a decent night, or read many of the posts on this forum, you would know that Shef has loads of great nights that many other cities are envious of. What's so '****e' about it? Kingdom? Gatecrasher One?

- Of course they're s**t. F**k em. Don't go. Hell, run in with a hand grenade and blow all the stupid f**kers up.

Then have a nice cup of tea and go to any of the myriad fun, intimate and grass-roots nights this fair city has to offer.

And stop being so negative:

"******** to your sexuality, this city has loads of good nights" would be more accurate. Methinks.

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You have to remember that those "odd, quirky" nights are the ones that need to be supported. When Winston and Parrot played some of the new Chicago House at Jive Turkey in 86 (I wasn't there. I was 6 for Christ's sake!) it was "odd, quirky" but heralded the dawning of house music in the UK (take that, you Shoom-cockneys).

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Originally posted by defstef

"******** to your sexuality, this city has loads of good nights" would be more accurate. Methinks.


Without wanting to sound completely negative, I don't think this city has many good nights at all unless you like indie/rock, cheese or breaks.


There are a small number of alternatives to the larger, more commercial nights that are good, but they struggle to attract a crowd. It doesn't help that some of Sheffields best underground venues have closed in the last couple of years.


However, there are still some gems; C90 being one event in particular I get excited about. There's the occasional NTA and Headcharge stuff, Future Funk has its moments too. As well as our night Dirty Cheese...

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