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Feng Shwee

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aka Geomancy.


It's no secret that careful placement of things around the house and office can make considerable differences to your perception of the environment.


The objective of Feng Shui ('fung shway') is to promote a smooth and sinuous movement of chi.


This is by removing blockages and obstructions, but not allowing the chi to simply stream straight through the place.


It's akin to placing and replacing round pebbles in a stream, trying to slow the water down as much as possible without disrupting the flow, stopping it or causing turbulence.


The use of natural materials, particularly wood and water is very effective in enhancing sinous chi and also gives almost anywhere that rather precocious 'western zen' look.


Avoid having doors and windows directly opposite one another as chi will fly straight through. Place plants in corners of rooms with only one entrance to prevent stagnating chi


Placement of round and wooden objects, decorative and non-angular, can divert streaming chi into a more sinous pattern.


Try and smooth off all sharp corners, especially things like square pillars and filing cabinets, as these produce 'cutting chi' which is generally regarded as a negative thing.


Whether the notion of chi is an actual thing or merely, like mathematics - a method of modelling that yields concrete results, remains to be seen.


Oh yes, fish, in round bowls is very good Feng Shui


There's a plethora of crap coffee table books on the subject, you'd be better advised to find a credible source on the web.


The victorians were particularly practiced in the art of geomancy (some of them at least) but they were definitely working the 'black hat' side of things

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Feng Shui can work (my mother believes in it and it seems to work for her)... Basics will involve finding the compass directions of doors and entrances in to/out of the building. Then you will need to find your own 'aspect' - this will depend on the Chinese year you are born in...


Phan's given you excellent general advice and the most important thing is to think of the energy as movement. Sharp corners and objects (Shahs) will send negative energy in the direction they point so try moving them so they don't face any seats, doors or beds. Or just cover them with, say, hangings. Electricity also moves energy around in most modern transcriptions... Plenty of books available!!


Worth mentioning, if you're interested in such things, that Feng Shui is based on Taoist (pronounced Dow-ist) philosophy, so read the I-Ching for the 'original' concepts...

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Have got a compass from my mate, but it wont stop moving around. When it goes left and I try to look at it it goes off on one , how daft is that! Seriously though if the entrance to the house needs to be in another place,i.e. 45 degrees to where it was im well f..ck.d

p.s. arnt all Goldfish in round bowls?

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