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Women to sue Metropolitan Police

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Getting people to confide in you, trust you allows such a plant to slowly guide the people concerned, and if one pushes a bit can make people do things they would never do left to themselves. Such is the power of love, to a force that could not give a dam, except boost their figures.


So thisis just a bit of proof the government does not trust the British people and will like in the USA pervert people, to create crimes they would never normally do.


No one knows who is who, who is a police imformant, and we can all thank the fall of the Berlin wall for that. Western agencies went into the Stazi headquaters, where every file and methodology was ther demonstrating how to control, a captive population. It was very effective, and we took such information and practices back and have adapted them since. We did it prior to that but these East Germans were unlike us they were thorough, very thorough. They colleced evinence on everyone, including gossip, and hearsay, nothing went astray.


So the police are willing to build up relationships over years, just to ensnare people, make them an example of the enemy within of course. It helps to frighten the population into accepting greater restrictions to their freedom, as terrorism is possible with anyone, even your neighbours. Who can one trust?


So, its a job, it pays well, free housing and sex, with the occasional party thrown in. Can one ever trust the goveernment, it is possible for such a body to tell the WHOLE truth, and what might it be capable of in the future?


I would hope a good bit of torture, its beter than a night out, quite thrilling, rthen there is poisoning people, and people having accidents, house fires on a cold november night, brightens up the neighbourhood for a few hours. The future look bright, for the powerful, shame about the rest of you.


Food for thought for everyone there. I find it hard to get my head round this sort of thing ever going on in a 'free' country. Bye bye freedom. Welcome Stazi-style policing. It makes 'Enemy of the State' look very pale in comparison.

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It's also worth remembering that the Stasi were the end product of utopian dreamers who genuinely tried, in the beginning to create the perfect free society. The anti state posters on here are just the state in waiting and should there be a revolution next year they'd be dictators in 50 years.

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I think if people can be sued for seducing people by presenting a different persona to their real one then most people will be open to being bankrupted.


They aren't any ordinary Tom, Dick or Harry they are professionals and there are rules they have to abide by

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They aren't any ordinary Tom, Dick or Harry they are professionals and there are rules they have to abide by


If it can be proven in court that they have broken their professional rules then they will be punished.


As far as I'm concerned I believe the police/security services should have carte blanche to be as sneaky as they like as long as they're not going into the realms of torture. Lets not forget that people who break into nuclear power stations are not shoplifters. Again, if the police are sneaky in seducing terrorist fanatics and prevent a massive loss of life will people be sympathetic when Al Quaeda wannebes sob "the nasty policeman seduced me, I want compensation"?

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Quote Mr Prime: If it can be proven in court that they have broken their professional rules then they will be punished.



Fair enough


Surely the one who had a full relationship, including a child, with the person he was 'spying on' then just vanished from their lives when the job was done, must have broken some rule?



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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Surely the one who had a full relationship, including a child, with the person he was 'spying on' then just vanished from their lives when the job was done, must have broken some rule?



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


Let's hope so, eh? Otherwise police powers really have got out of hand.

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