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Will other countries be sending money to our flood victims ?

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I mean will they ? We always seem to send money abroad to disasters occurring in other countries, so will they send money to our victims of the floods ?:suspect:



Have you made a donation? In fact have you volunteered in any way?

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more people get killed here in the Philippines, real dead, as a result of floods in in the average week, as occurs in the UK over about 10 years. Only you never hear about it on Newsnight, because it happens so frequently, it isn't news.


only when there is a big mega disaster, which only happens about two or three years, and hundreds of people are killed, will you get any notion of it.


UK people just don't realise that just by being born there, they have already won the lottery of life. No earthquakes, typhoons, tropical diseases, droughts, floods, volcanoes you name it you lucky gits don't get it. And that's before you factor in that's it's one of the richest countries in the world with all the benefits of health provision, educational facilities and social amenities that brings.


so stop whining. It bothers me like a mosquito bothers me (oh wait, you don't get those there either).

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