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Shocking short documentary about Britains homeless

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It shouldn't come as a surprise at all.


You clearly don't know how it works.






Homeless people aren't just given support. They are first investigated to determine if they are homeless. It is then decided whether or not the local authority has a duty of care.


Many single men who find themselves homeless can approach the local authority of the area they currently find themselves homeless in, be told that they are homeless and that the LA accepts they are homeless, but it has no duty of care so they won't be offered any help.


Just because they are not statutory homeless (ie the LA does not have a duty to house them) does not mean they won't be offered any help - they will be for example, signposted to organisations in the voluntary sector on which SCC spends upwards of £20 million pa on top of any HB claimed.


Now it will vary from LA to LA, and few would argue that there is provision for everyone - but that is quite different to "offered no help".

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I watched 'Cathy come home' the other night. That was a stark reminder of how far we've come in terms of the homeless in only 40 odd years.


So did I, I watched it for the first time. Afterwards I was trying to find out how many children are taken into care today, due to their parents being homeless. I couldn't find the figures.


The film would not be very far out of place today. A friend of mine has had problems in their life and this resulted in them eventually losing their kids to the care system, having recovered from the problems they are now trying to get them back, but it is very difficult, and the way housing works in this country they are at a disadvantage.


At least there is now a duty of care to families with children. Shame that we don't extend that duty of care to ALL HUMANS, we house stray dogs, yet turn people onto the streets!

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Sheffield used to be good at helping the homeless when "Gell Street Hostel" was up and running, Now there isn't a lot of help out there, at least not in the same way that Gell St. could help.

I believe the reason that men are the majority of the homeless is simple, In a relationship that breaks up, where children are involved. It would take a very cold hearted man to kick the kids out on the street, so he is the one that leaves.

Not everyone out there on the streets Is a drug adict, mentally ill or a alcoholic, Most have Just hit hard times, you may be surprised at how easy it is to be "Home owner" one week and "Homeless" the next. I'm sure we will be seeing a lot more of the "respectable" home owner having there house Repossessed and finding themselfs either on the streets or in rented sub Standard housing.

A well used phrase when I was a kid was - Be kind to them on the way up, you may meet them comming down.

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Sheffield used to be good at helping the homeless when "Gell Street Hostel" was up and running, Now there isn't a lot of help out there, at least not in the same way that Gell St. could help.

I believe the reason that men are the majority of the homeless is simple, In a relationship that breaks up, where children are involved. It would take a very cold hearted man to kick the kids out on the street, so he is the one that leaves.

Not everyone out there on the streets Is a drug adict, mentally ill or a alcoholic, Most have Just hit hard times, you may be surprised at how easy it is to be "Home owner" one week and "Homeless" the next. I'm sure we will be seeing a lot more of the "respectable" home owner having there house Repossessed and finding themselfs either on the streets or in rented sub Standard housing.

A well used phrase when I was a kid was - Be kind to them on the way up, you may meet them comming down.


In all honesty, if I had to live on the streets like that, I'd probably turn to something to numb the reality.


There but for the grace of God... I don't think a lot of people realise how easy it is these days to find yourself in that position.

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I think a lot of people do realise just how easy it is....but those that do something about it don't post on forums to show how much they care, but still do nowt



The hillarios thing about the Left is they always expect someone else to do things for them - Never get off their soap box to actually do summat...oh no, thats their job

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remember, some posters on here think that homelessness is a myth and doesnt exist!!! so you might get some derogatory remarks on this thread!



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


Can you quote anyone ever saying that??? I doubt it.

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Why does the government or 'the authorities' have to be blamed for everything?


Isn't it just possible that some people create their own fortune, and are responsible for their own plight?


I recall a rather pertinent sig: 'Liberalism, the haunting fear that somebody, somewhere, might be responsible for themselves'.


Liberalism is specifically about allowing people to make their own choices.


Maybe you've confused it with socialism, where labour get to decide how you live your life or conservatism where big business is allowed to dictate how you can live your life.

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