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Shocking short documentary about Britains homeless

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In my experience homelessness is rarely about housing. Sometimes it is about money, but mostly it is about emotion/psychology/feelings/relationships. Giving a homeless person a flat doesn't always solve the problem. With asylum seekers and refugees it is different and can be more about accomodation/money.

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I know most of you on here don't have any sympathy for the homeless especially if they're foreign, but if you have 10 mins spare watch this short documentary about the shocking conditions they suffer and the nasty abuse regualrly hurled at them by various people.:(


Why do so many folk see the homeless as nothing than punch bags?


that poor lonely polish bloke,very sad 12 years on the streets its a wonder he hasn't gone mad,he's made out of stronger stuff them me.

I 've seen worse in asia though, abandoned kids ,cripples, women with kids,begging for anything


some people spend all their lives on the streets over there

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In my experience homelessness is rarely about housing. Sometimes it is about money, but mostly it is about emotion/psychology/feelings/relationships.[B] Giving a homeless person a flat [/b]doesn't always solve the problem. With asylum seekers and \refugees it is different and can be more about accomodation/money.


I agree with most of what your saying but,when I was in australia in sydney a few years ago I new some people who ran a place which had about 10 single flats which they used to let to homeless people for free ,people who had been on the streets for years .I remember one of the women telling me when they handed homeless person the key to their flat for the first time every single one of them did the very same thing ,,break down in tears.

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Nice. That must have made them happy. A homeless man I knew told me he was hoping for a flat for the winter. He said that each time he had been given a flat, his friends who were also homeless would come round for a party, get high and trash the place so he was evicted. So he didn't hold much hope of staying there very long.


---------- Post added 29-11-2012 at 15:44 ----------


My sister was very happy when she was given her flat. It really sorted her out and turned things around for her. She loved it there. And though she lives somewhere much better theoretically now, she still misses it. She kept it beautifully. I once had the opportunity to visit a lot of flats and houses.in seemingly v poor parts of Sheffield and was amazed at how beautiful they were inside, and how much thought had gone into the interior design.

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In all honesty, if I had to live on the streets like that, I'd probably turn to something to numb the reality. One reason why people on the streets drink a little to much, so they can sleep for an hour or two in the cold. I presume those that take drugs do so for the same reason.


There but for the grace of God... I don't think a lot of people realise how easy it is these days to find yourself in that position.

They will do soon.


---------- Post added 29-11-2012 at 16:58 ----------


I think a lot of people do realise just how easy it is....but those that do something about it don't post on forums to show how much they care, but still do nowt



The hillarios thing about the Left is they always expect someone else to do things for them - Never get off their soap box to actually do summat...oh no, thats their job


I can't do a lot about it with regards to money, but I did offer to put someone up who came on here with no place to stay, I was warned against it by the Moderatores on here (and rightly so) but the person managed to find a settee to sleep on. In fact I think I offered my settee to a second person from here. Why - Been there, Done it, Got the badge, T Shirt and the SCARS.

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I think a lot of people do realise just how easy it is....but those that do something about it don't post on forums to show how much they care, but still do nowt



The hillarios thing about the Left is they always expect someone else to do things for them - Never get off their soap box to actually do summat...oh no, thats their job


And you know that for a fact do you?

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I do think It's time this country took care of it's own before taking care of other countries, how can this country raise tax on the population in one hand and give it to countries like Pakistan, who have enough money to have the bomb, but not enough to feed the people. Carry on like this , and we will be the third world and people will be giving uus aid (that will be the day, every one hates us for being the USA's ASS licker)

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I know most of you on here don't have any sympathy for the homeless especially if they're foreign, but if you have 10 mins spare watch this short documentary about the shocking conditions they suffer and the nasty abuse regualrly hurled at them by various people.:(


Why do so many folk see the homeless as nothing than punch bags?


They do not but your views seem to uphold rather than challenge misapprehension.What do you think?

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They do not but your views seem to uphold rather than challenge misapprehension.What do you think?


A lot of people in this region are very judgemental and take great delight in seeing others suffer (especially the non- indigenous populations) as it makes them feel superior, when the BMEfolk are the UK's saviours.

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