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Spot the deliberate mistake?

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I watched the BBC news earlier and the item about the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visiting the city for the first time left me somewhat bemused when the St. Andrews educated Duke referred to the city as dymanic.


It reminded me of a cartoon I saw some years ago. In the first picture a man is looking at a box bearing the legend DYMANITE. In the next picture he is scratching his head and thinking, "Dymanite, what's dymanite?" In the next picture his body is blown away from his head and limbs as the box goes BNAG!

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I know someone who pronounces "Certificate" as "Sustifficat".


I was giving a speech, at a presentation a couple of weeks ago, and for the utter life of me I could not get my teeth round the word "Service", it kept coming out "Surface". (which I know isn't vastly different, but when you are speaking to a room of a hundred people, it can be a bit embarrassing!)

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