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Rotherham by election predictions

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Whilst I don't normally "do" politics , I would ideally like to see ukip take some votes , not on the basis of the child-fostering scandal , but on their actual policies . As stated before , i think Nigel Farage is something of a political rock god . I do not agree with some of ukip's policies , but think it might be important to join in at an early stage so my voice might influence policies in the future - what's the alternative , leave this fantastic country ???


I don't want to derail this thread but the last sentance is worth a thread of its own.

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The Asian vote will not move away from Labour as they do not want to see UKIP making headway. UKIP will make ground from the the born and bred white English.


The Asian vote deserted Labour in Bradford West and an Asian councillor was deliberately kept off the Labour shortlist for Rotherham. Respect are working hard there. I'd expect Labour to win with a much smaller majority and UKIP and Respect to do well but I wouldn't be surprised if either UKIP or Respect won.

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Id love to see Labour lose this. They dont deserve it, they have treated the city with contempt for far too long.


I wished everyone would vote UKIP. Tell Rotherham council they cant dictate who people vote for and bringing up children is not the skill of one particular party.


I dont particularly agree with UKIP's views though I would wish we settled the EU question once and for all. I would vote them to protest against Rotherham councils appaling views on democracy.

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I would love to see Respect or UKIP take this but sadly it just isn't going to happen. The worst thing is that when the Labour Donkey wins (albeit with a much reduced majority) we will be treated to the nauseating sight of said Donkey proclaiming that it is a vote of confidence in the Labour party and it is a vote against "Brutal Tory cuts" and "The governments failed austerity project" etc etc

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The worst thing is that when the Labour Donkey wins (albeit with a much reduced majority) we will be treated to the nauseating sight of said Donkey proclaiming that it is a vote of confidence in the Labour party and it is a vote against "Brutal Tory cuts" and "The governments failed austerity project" etc etc


This happened in Manchester a couple of weeks back. The winner claimed:


With this result Manchester Central has sent this Tory-Lib Dem government a message - a clear message that we think their policies are wrong and unfair.


But hang on, she's the first female MP in the seat's history, the seat has been held by Labour since time began, and the turnout was just 18%.

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I also hope all three racist, single issue parties; The EDL, The BNP and Respect; lose their deposits.


That would be great. I would love to see that vile snake Galloway have to eat humble pie.


I thought the EDL was not political or has that changed?

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