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Rotherham by election predictions

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Would love to see a UKIP MP.


I'd expect to see big gains for UKIP and Respect.

I've not seen any proper opinion polls, but word on the street is that is it doesn't look good for Labour.

Maybe UKIP will come third or even second- and it'd be triffic if UKIP won.

[DISCLOSURE: Yes, I'm a UKIP member]

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As Rotherham has welcomed people from all over the world in recent years, it's unlikely that overt racists (BNP, EDL) or closet racists (UKIP) will do well here.


Labour are the only party even vaguely positioned to represent the people of the Borough. They should win easily and let's hope they do..just hope the previous MPs dishonesty wont affect the vote too much...time will tell

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I think Labour may regain control, but with a much diluted majority than in 2010. UKIP and Respect look like they will overtake the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats in the town. Wouldn't be at all surprised to see Respect or UKIP win either, as we recently saw in Bradford.


The key point is, after tonight its almost certain Rotherham will no longer be the safest Labour seat in the country...

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I'd like to see UKIP do very well, not because I support them or their policies, but because it might jolt the three main parties out of their complacency.


I also hope all three racist, single issue parties; The EDL, The BNP and Respect; lose their deposits.


That would be great. I would love to see that vile snake Galloway have to eat humble pie.


I thought the EDL was not political or has that changed?


The name Respect stands for Respect, Equality, Socialism, Peace, Environmentalism, Community and Trade Unionism so it's hardly single-issue. Who they're supposed to be racist towards I'm not sure as they're the most multicultural party I've seen recently.


The EDL candidate is an independent. The English Democrats are made up of a lot of ex-BNP. These 3 are the single issue racists.

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