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Status of EU citizens

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What persuaded you to own one.
Could have been inherited in one fashion or another.


We still have a few swastika-emblazoned items, left over at the end of 1944 by unwanted occupants of our family home. There's certainly no love or attraction for anything German of 'that' period from any of us, and for very good reasons...though having all family dogs eat off Nazi crockery for the last 60-odd years still seems very apt, to this day :D


As the OP's question concerns me directly, and in view of the 'handling' of parts of my past family by various Gvts and dictatorships over the decades, you'll have to forgive me for being somewhat defensive whenever I chance upon actual/potential xenophobic posts/threads.


Not playing the thought police as such (it's a free country, anybody's got a right to be a div), as voicing my opinion (reasonably well-informed, as it happens) on the subject.

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