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Manor Memories Project

Manor Parish

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Sheffield Manor Parish have just received a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund as part of their All Our Stories initiative. Our project is called Manor Memories and it focuses on oral histories of people from the Manor and Norfolk Park (as our parish covers some of the Norfolk Park area) and some research into the heritage of the area.


We are looking for participants who are residents of these areas, or have been in the past, or just have memories to share or stories to tell. It doesn't matter if you go to church or not - this is a community project.


The aim of the project is to produce a DVD and a book of stories, memories and local information. There will also be some visits to local places such as Manor Lodge and Norfolk Heritage Park, and some talks by speakers with local knowledge.


If you would like to be a part of the project then please either PM me or click on the link below to go to our website where you can click on the image and find out more. We are having a project launch event on Monday 14th January at 3pm at St Aidan's Church on Manor Lane, so please do come along if you are interested.


Also, does anybody have any pictures of the Manor or Norfolk Park areas that you would be willing to give permission for us to use as part of the project? If so, we would be very grateful and would scan them and then return them to you.


Manor Memories

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  • 4 months later...

As part of this project we will be hosting a talk by Suzanne Bingham on Monday 8th April at 2.30pm at St Aidan's Church on Manor Lane. The talk looks at social housing in Sheffield during the 20th century and is entitled From Back to Backs to Penthouses - The Way We Used To Live.


This is a great talk to get people reminiscing so why not come along and share your memories of how it used to be.



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