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What's spearmints like?


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Originally Posted by denlin




Plant pot, this is just like old times isn't it Oooh you are awful but I like you


Linda, please read post 53 - do you see what I did there?


I actually picked up on that as soon as you posted it :hihi:



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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I might be going in Spearmints on Friday on a works do, I'll report back on all these girls degrading themselves, I'm not a bad looking bloke I'm sure they wont just chat to me for the money :-)


You never know! I saw a lap dancer on Jeremy Kyle who fell for a punters charms, although she did end up cheating on him,and she clapped him as well as the audience

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No it isn't. Paying for women to come and talk to you is absolute proof you're a loser.


Are you married did you pay for it equals loser


Argue with girlfriend buy flowers equals loser paying for it


Buy new shirt and shoes look the biz to attract the ladies paying for it equals loser.



Everyone pays for it, different strokes for different folks.

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Yeh right, I could understand it if they gave you a new Ferrari and you got yourself a woman who liked you but these are complete strangers and you go to ogle. Like I said brains in trousers and no respect for women or them for themselves either actually:roll::roll:


Just realised this is like when we first used to post before I said I liked you:hihi::hihi::hihi:


Promissed myself i would get into this thread....


so I deleted my coment

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