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What toy did you always want, but never got?

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Oh it was all harmless fun really. I had a doll that cried, and she annoyed me, so I surgically removed her voicebox and kept it on the side. With others I was just curious about how their legs would look coming out of their arm sockets and vice versa.


Harmless fun? :shocked:


I once took a radio apart to see what was inside. I was disappointed, not much. Certainly not worth the spanking.

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Just realsied how privileged I was.Had the:

tiny tears

barbie and wardrobe

sweet shop

mr frosty (and mr potatoe head......)

etch a sketch (and a PONG)



however never ever had a remote controlled helicopter with on board camera. :)


Though I'm going moan about the cheap alternatives to the trendy toy of the time that I often ended up with, I should be very grateful for the stuff my folks managed to get me, but some of the fails I feel guilty even mentioning because I had the proper action-man with eagle eyes and gripping hands, the chopper bike amongst many other fantastic Christmas prezzies, I did very well but my folks often took a very wise and pragmatic view on their purchases that saved them a fortune but cost me in self esteem.


Instead of etch a sketch I had some crappy version that didn't quite work as well and was made of inferior plastic, the same with spirograph, swingball and loads of other stuff. I actually do feel guilty saying that because I never went without but sometimes, at that time I would have preferred nothing at all, my poor old folks just didn't get the brand thing and as an adult I'm totally with them on that but as an impressionable child I just wanted the stuff off the TV ads and the same as everyone else.:blush:


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