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Coming out of the closet- I'm a UKIP supporter

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Yes of course, because I want us to withdraw from the political union that is the EU. It is hugely wasteful and I don't want to be part of a federated Europe. Eurocrats have ambitions on an ever closer integrated Europe.


In November 2012, EU auditors failed the EU accounts for 18th year running. But we keep pouring our money in.


Why does the EU waste £145,000,000 per annum on flitting between Brussels and Strasbourg every month instead of having a permanent base?


Why in a time of austerity is the European Council spending £250,000,000 on a new HQ next door to the present HQ?


The CAP should be scrapped, but the vested interests of other EU states in keeping means it will never go or be reformed. Agriculture is the sponge that soaks up the majority of the EU budget.


Have you looked at any of UKIP's other policies?


Just asking.

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Max has asked for an entirely reasonable justification by example of the assertions you made. Telling him to look it up himself doesn't prove your point.


I expect Max will have looked it up by now,so there isn't much point in telling me that a week later.

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Have you looked at any of UKIP's other policies?


Just asking.


Yes, have you? Most of it all very sensible stuff. Can't say I agree with everything 100% (the commitments on defence spending are particularly questionable), but hay ho if we all only lent our support to parties we only agree 100% with, nobody would vote at all.

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Define failure? They're beating two out of the main three in some polls. We will eventually have a referendum on EU membership, which is what they have demanded all along.


In what polls are they beating two of the Tories, Lib-Dems and Labour? What they want is withdrawal from the EU through their being in government. What they'll get is far short of that.

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Yes, have you? Most of it all very sensible stuff. Can't say I agree with everything 100% (the commitments on defence spending are particularly questionable), but hay ho if we all only lent our support to parties we only agree 100% with, nobody would vote at all.


I've read the lot. It strikes me that they are scared of modern life.


If you really do want out of Europe, UKIP don't offer you a realistic route to that aim. Mostly because they are an unelectable marginal party. You'd be much better off voting Tory and hoping that Dave comes through with the referendum that they keep on toying with.

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I've read the lot. It strikes me that they are scared of modern life.


If you really do want out of Europe, UKIP don't offer you a realistic route to that aim. Mostly because they are an unelectable marginal party. You'd be much better off voting Tory and hoping that Dave comes through with the referendum that they keep on toying with.

Well he keeps telling us we are all in it together!

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