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Coming out of the closet- I'm a UKIP supporter

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Yes, people ARE frustrated with- and by- politicians. That's why UKIP support is growing, a lot.


The sense of déjà vu on reading this post was spooky, you only have to go back a couple of years to see exactly the same concerns expressed about the BNPiss.

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I am a UKIP supporter as well.


Why, do you want wages to be low and public services privatised?


---------- Post added 11-12-2012 at 12:28 ----------


Protest vote from frustrated peeps. Always happens. Patrick Moore loved the uKIPPERS. And he, by his own admission, was a confirmed Thatcherite.


Modern world and all that.


Overall he was a great man, but he had a bad side. Amongst all the tributes to him in the paers yesterday I read about a couple of controversial things he said; he apparently once said "there are too many women on TV", and on another occasion he's reported to have said "the only good Kraut is a dead Kraut". Those two statements give good insight into the male chauvinism and xenophobia of the average UKIP member.

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Those two statements give good insight into the male chauvinism and xenophobia of the average UKIP member.


One of our MEPs, UKIP's Godfrey Bloom is just as bad. His wikipedia page contains the following;


Comments on the counterproductive nature of women's rights


A few weeks after his appointment to the European Parliament's Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality on 20 July 2004, Bloom told an interview in Strasbourg that, "No self-respecting small businessman with a brain in the right place would ever employ a lady of child-bearing age. That isn't politically correct, is it, but it's a fact of life. The more women's rights you have, it's actually a bar to their employment." Around the same time, he was reported[by whom?] as commenting, "I just don't think [women] clean behind the fridge enough" and that "I am here to represent Yorkshire women who always have dinner on the table when you get home."


Bloom told BBC Radio 4's Today that his comments were "said for fun" to illustrate a more serious point, that equal-rights legislation was in fact putting women out of work. Bloom claimed that MEPs had "little or no business experience" and did not understand the consequences of their actions.


Bloom confessed that he used to visit brothels in Hong Kong claiming that "terrified young women beaten into prostitution often from Eastern Europe... is only a very small aspect of the flesh trade,", and concluded that "in short, most girls do it because they want to."


After inviting students from the University of Cambridge Women's Rugby Club to Brussels, he was accused of sexual harassment, misogyny, and use of offensive language. One student later handed in a formal letter of protest to the President of the European Parliament, criticizing Bloom's behaviour. Bloom who sponsored the club with £3,000 a year, later admitted making misogyny comments but denied a sexual harassment.


Speeches made while under the influence of alcohol


In December 2008, Daily Telegraph blogger and fellow MEP Daniel Hannan reported that Bloom "had to be carried out by an intern" after making a European Parliament speech while drunk. In February 2012, Bloom admitted to making a speech in Strasbourg having consumed alcohol and "very heavy" prescription painkillers.


I can't find anything about UKIP's policy on abortion but Jeffrey Shaw has admitted on here to being anti-abortion.

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Nope, just gave up waiting for you to supply info so if you've got it now it'd be appreciated.


Sorry i have no information available for you,i've done a thorough search,but my files seem to have dissapeared. :sad:


---------- Post added 11-12-2012 at 16:44 ----------


I wonder how UKIP will react to the latest Census results.


I think Richard Dawkins will be pleased with the religious one.

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