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When you can't take time off but feel drained, how do you cope?


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I used to be the same in my early 20's. I was promoted and ended up working all hours in a high stress job and I drank every night to unwind and made myself really poorly. I eventually realised I had to do something when I got a nasty viral infection and ended up in hospital with bad palpitations (I was only 24). I found another job which was less pay but I had to put my health first. Of course I'm not saying that's what you should do, but you MUST take time out for yourself or it will catch up with you.

Maybe plan a weekend at the coast, or even just spend a day in your PJ's watching dvd's or playing Xbox?

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Question: when you feel drained, and you know you need time off yet you can't do this for Business, employment reasons, how do you cope?


Anyone else push themselves hard and have high levels of stress, manifesting itself with physical symptoms?


I'm talking constant headaches, sore neck, unable to focus, tiredness, almost depression like feelings even though you are'nt depressed?


How do you deal with it when you can't take time off / holiday?? is there a coping or managing mechanism you use to get through the period?


Think of the money. I've just worked out I've an 85 hour week next (which has depressed me a bit ;)) but it will set up nicely for next year. If I had that week in week out I'd get bodies in to assist. As it is, the work has huge peaks and troughs so it isn't practical to get in help. Down time arrives after Christmas.


Main thing is that I'm earning a crust. I'm not the most qualified person on the planet so if I didn't do what I do, I'd be out of work more than likely. That said if you can get out of your current situation realitivly painlessly and can get a job, maybe consider that (after a holiday !!!)

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I think you should see your GP. The symptoms do sound like depression.

Are you getting a good, restful sleep?

I was the same, tired all the time and thought I was getting plenty of rest at night and also during the day. I was referred to the sleep clinic where they found I suffered from sleep apnoea (there was a very informative programme about it on BBC on Wednesday). My condition is only mild, but tests showed that I was being woken up 12 times an hour when I was in what is supposed to be the deepest sleep period.

Been on CPAP for two days now and already feeling much better.

Please see your GP.

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I think you should see your GP. The symptoms do sound like depression.

Are you getting a good, restful sleep?

I was the same, tired all the time and thought I was getting plenty of rest at night and also during the day. I was referred to the sleep clinic where they found I suffered from sleep apnoea (there was a very informative programme about it on BBC on Wednesday). My condition is only mild, but tests showed that I was being woken up 12 times an hour when I was in what is supposed to be the deepest sleep period.

Been on CPAP for two days now and already feeling much better.

Please see your GP.


Someone else mentioned depression. Nothing to be depressed about tho.

Like has been said It's better to be busy then not.


Maybe It's not taking enough breaks during day plus lack of sleep.

To be honest gps are not always right, they are too quick to diagnose depression and dole out happy pills imho.

By sounds of things I'm not alone in feeling like this, modern life is 100mph, no wonder things go pop eventually if you let it.

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I think you should still see your GP. You may be anaemic, have an underactive thyroid...all sorts of things that can be diagnosed with a simple blood test. If you have had a viral illness in the last year you may have post-viral fatigue.

I agree that life is fast paced, but I'm a nurse (and also suffer with depression) and often see people who present as what is known as TATT (tired all the time) which sometimes can have an easily treatable organic cause.

It's probably an idea to have a chat with your GP anyway rather than trying to struggle on with something that may be easily remedied.

Hope you feel better soon x

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Question: when you feel drained, and you know you need time off yet you can't do this for Business, employment reasons, how do you cope?


Anyone else push themselves hard and have high levels of stress, manifesting itself with physical symptoms?


I'm talking constant headaches, sore neck, unable to focus, tiredness, almost depression like feelings even though you are'nt depressed?


How do you deal with it when you can't take time off / holiday?? is there a coping or managing mechanism you use to get through the period?


If I'm honest with myself I'm in the same place right now. Not had a full weekend off since September and it's not letting up at all. I work in the private sector and my employer has been cutting and cutting and cutting. We still have the same workload but with half the staff so the ones left are trying to keep things going.


How am I going to cope? After Xmas I'm getting out of this job. I get very well paid but the stress is not worth it. Money isn't everything. I'd be happy to get paid half as much if I had half the stress and not be missing my kids growing up.


If you can get yourself into something else. If you can't do that then you need to take a break. At the very least you need to have a plan to deal with it. Just having an idea of how you are going to cope could get you through some of the most difficult times.

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You can only do so much in your working hours, if too much is being asked of you that is your seniors problem, perform the best you can in your hours you work but not to the extent you get worried or stressed about it.


I'm not sure what to suggest how to cope with it, after a hard days work I do tell myself if I have done a major messsup no ones died, worse that can happen is my company losses money, that I can live with.


Try and seperate your 9-5 from your home life, nothing worse than taking your stress or anger home.

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Question: when you feel drained, and you know you need time off yet you can't do this for Business, employment reasons, how do you cope?


Anyone else push themselves hard and have high levels of stress, manifesting itself with physical symptoms?


I'm talking constant headaches, sore neck, unable to focus, tiredness, almost depression like feelings even though you are'nt depressed?


How do you deal with it when you can't take time off / holiday?? is there a coping or managing mechanism you use to get through the period?

It's called 'get a grip'.
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