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Why are people putting their life and others on the line?

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I've just watched a lady mourning the death of her 68 yr old mum, the poor woman was devastated, just because some stupid woman wanted to text and drive at the same time...:loopy:

She hit the poor woman head on, she's facing jail, and so she should.


Why are people still doing it, it's something I see every half an hour, it's illegal, it's killing people, yet it's still happening..:loopy::loopy:

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RIP to the lady involved and hope your friend whose had to deal with the aftermath is bearing up OK.


As to why, because too many people approach driving as a method of getting from A to B they are entitled to and not being in sole charge of an average of a tonne of metal that can easily kill at any time and thus requires your total concentration while at the wheel.

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Driving needs concentration.

The most natural way to communicate is to talk to someone in the car. BUT if they want to discuss serious matters -- like whether we have about 500 in the bank or whether it's really 496.47 because that last bill was 45.87 and your pay cheque wasn't 600, only 586.90 .......and so on, I have to stop the car to do the sums.

Same way, I can handle a mobile phone: "Where are you?" "stuck in traffic, maybe 30 minutes yet" and end contact; I can;t handle a long tale of a legal dispute or such.

Texting, I fear, is something I can do sitting down with nothing else to do; I can't imagine trying to do it behind the wheel!

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RIP to the lady involved and hope your friend whose had to deal with the aftermath is bearing up OK.


As to why, because too many people approach driving as a method of getting from A to B they are entitled to and not being in sole charge of an average of a tonne of metal that can easily kill at any time and thus requires your total concentration while at the wheel.


Thanks for that, but the lady in question was on the news yesterday..:)


A couple of weeks ago where I live a young woman was knocked down on a crossing by a female texting, she wasn't badly hurt but ended up in hospital for a couple of days...:(


Yes agree Harestone did hit the nail on the head, it's like a lot of things today, because they can..I fear for the future..:(

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I saw a woman on the phone while driving along a road that can be tricky at the best of times, the other day when it was icy.


Nearly got hit by a woman on a road strewn with parked cars who was on the phone - she was going far too fast and had to mount the kerb to miss me. When I pointed at her phone she had the nerve to mouth an obscenity at me.


Selfish, stupid, arrogant people, all.

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I echo much of what has been written above.

Widening it out and probably making myself unpopular: texting at the wheel is beyond the pale for most on here, I guess. But it is only the sharp end of a (pyramid) pile of slack behaviours, attitudes and ignorance behind the wheel.

At the lower (supporting and greater in number) levels of the pyramid we all have the level of slackness that we allow ourselves and a level above that we don't.

We all see a breadth and depth of slackness in other drivers. On the phone front alone, check around you next time you are stood at some lights to see who has suddenly found something of interest in their lap.

On a lower level, check who has belted up front AND rear etc etc

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