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Why are people putting their life and others on the line?

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I was so nearly knocked down myself 2 weeks ago by a man on his phone. I was walking along Holme Lane towards Hillsborough & had just started to cross one of the roads opposite Towsure. A man driving a big 4-wheel drive towards Malin Bridge on Holme Lane turned right into the road I was crossing, without signalling & speeded up as he turned.

I was 2 steps out into the road when I saw this car racing towards me at speed & just let out a huge scream. The driver must have heard me & slammed on his brakes, stopping within a foot of me.

He just stared at me in a gormless way & opened the passenger window. It was then that I saw the phone to his ear. This is the conversation, honestly :


"You complete idiot, you nearly hit me! My God, you're on the phone!"

"I weren't on 't phone"

"You've got it in your hand, you're still on the phone!"

"I weren't on 't phone"

At this point he dropped the phone into his lap, but kept glancing at it.

"It's illegal. You're not allowed to do that."

At this point he pulled up the window & drove off. Without indicating when he pulled out.


What can we do to stop this? These people are never, ever going to learn & don't give a toss about who they hurt. And I don't know how we can keep ourselves & our families safe when these people do what they want, when they want.

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Firstly report it to the police, take the registration number, CCTV may confirm it. You will have to make the effort of going to a station and providing a statement but it is worth it.


I've also read that the government is going to up the points to six and increase the fines.


Sadly in a nation where everyone thinks they're a brilliant driver and are obsessed with rights and entitlements telling people not to use phones while driving is currently pointless.

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Driving needs concentration.

The most natural way to communicate is to talk to someone in the car. BUT if they want to discuss serious matters -- like whether we have about 500 in the bank or whether it's really 496.47 because that last bill was 45.87 and your pay cheque wasn't 600, only 586.90 .......and so on, I have to stop the car to do the sums.

Same way, I can handle a mobile phone: "Where are you?" "stuck in traffic, maybe 30 minutes yet" and end contact; I can;t handle a long tale of a legal dispute or such.

Texting, I fear, is something I can do sitting down with nothing else to do; I can't imagine trying to do it behind the wheel!


That is probably true for most people. Most do not have your modesty or

intellect to admit it.

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you cannot legislate away risk and while I think its stupid to text and drive, I fail to see how a separate law has changed anything.


Life is risky and you cannot live in a bubble.


I can't live in a bubble or legislate risk away.

However an expert driver manages the risk down a negligible level - so what risks are you happy to accept/embrace? How fatalistic are you?

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I saw a woman on the phone while driving along a road that can be tricky at the best of times, the other day when it was icy.


Nearly got hit by a woman on a road strewn with parked cars who was on the phone - she was going far too fast and had to mount the kerb to miss me. When I pointed at her phone she had the nerve to mouth an obscenity at me.


Selfish, stupid, arrogant people, all.


That sums it up for me!

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Women overwhelmingly appear to be the main offenders. The times I've seen it they have always been women of all ages.


It's just an extension of the perpetual female urge to constantly chatter . When only land line phones were available they used to hog the line for hours.


Anyone who causes death or injury to another by texting or calling while driving should have the instrument welded permanently to their ear

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