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Why are people putting their life and others on the line?

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Women overwhelmingly appear to be the main offenders. The times I've seen it they have always been women of all ages.


It's just an extension of the perpetual female urge to constantly chatter . When only land line phones were available they used to hog the line for hours.


Anyone who causes death or injury to another by texting or calling while driving should have the instrument welded permanently to their ear


Rather sexist but each to their own.


From what I have observed personally the propensity to use handhelds while driving does not have any gender bias, but that there is a discernible pattern of drivers of more expensive cars seeming to do it more than those in cheaper cars.


Just personal observation so no statistical value but it has been my overall experience (and living and working in affluent areas my observations may be totally skewed from the overall reality)

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Rather sexist but each to their own.


From what I have observed personally the propensity to use handhelds while driving does not have any gender bias, but that there is a discernible pattern of drivers of more expensive cars seeming to do it more than those in cheaper cars.


Just personal observation so no statistical value but it has been my overall experience (and living and working in affluent areas my observations may be totally skewed from the overall reality)


Women driving big hefty SUVs, a kid or two in the back and their cell phones stuck to their ears. They'd sooner risk being caught and given a traffic ticket or rear ending another driver than depriving themselves of a chance to engage in what is very probably a chatter session about exactly nothing of any importance whatsoever

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Women driving big hefty SUVs, a kid or two in the back and their cell phones stuck to their ears. They'd sooner risk being caught and given a traffic ticket or rear ending another driver than depriving themselves of a chance to engage in what is very probably a chatter session about exactly nothing of any importance whatsoever


No. It might be the case where you are but certainly not in the many instances I've seen. I'd say it was definitely 60/40 in favour of blokes and maybe "the important business conversation" that just can't wait. Or maybe they're just babbling idiots as is anyone who uses a mobile while driving.


Are you always this misogynistic?

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No. It might be the case where you are but certainly not in the many instances I've seen. I'd say it was definitely 60/40 in favour of blokes and maybe "the important business conversation" that just can't wait. Or maybe they're just babbling idiots as is anyone who uses a mobile while driving.


Are you always this misogynistic?


I would definately say its more women than men. and if they arent on the phone they are looking at themselves in the rear veiw mirror. Saying that, most of the crashes I see every day of the week involve a woman. Can this be coincidence or is it a pattern building?

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Women overwhelmingly appear to be the main offenders. The times I've seen it they have always been women of all ages.


It's just an extension of the perpetual female urge to constantly chatter . When only land line phones were available they used to hog the line for hours.


Anyone who causes death or injury to another by texting or calling while driving should have the instrument welded permanently to their ear


I would concur with your astute observation.however I would bet that if people assert that women are compulsive talkers/texters some feminist will accuse you of being a woman-hater,a missionaginist,or some such term.Women are the main offenders and really are incapable of driving SUVs which offer them a false sense of safety.The really bad offenders also have their kids on board.

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I would concur with your astute observation.however I would bet that if people assert that women are compulsive talkers/texters some feminist will accuse you of being a woman-hater,a missionaginist,or some such term.Women are the main offenders and really are incapable of driving SUVs which offer them a false sense of safety.The really bad offenders also have their kids on board.


missionaginist. That surely has to be word of the week:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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No. It might be the case where you are but certainly not in the many instances I've seen. I'd say it was definitely 60/40 in favour of blokes and maybe "the important business conversation" that just can't wait. Or maybe they're just babbling idiots as is anyone who uses a mobile while driving.


Are you always this misogynistic?


I thought sooner or later that I'd be labeled a woman hater just for stating an opinion based on what I see.

I should have already mentioned that I was knocked from my motorcycle a few years back by a 17 year old girl driving an open top VW Golf and busy talking on her cell. Incredibly she drove about a hundred feet further before realizing what had happened.

Fortunately I wasnt hurt except for bruising and minor damage to the motorcycle. The real damage was to her. A roadside sobriety check, a traffic ticket for careless driving and cancellation of her car insurance coverage

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I would concur with your astute observation.however I would bet that if people assert that women are compulsive talkers/texters some feminist will accuse you of being a woman-hater,a missionaginist,or some such term.Women are the main offenders and really are incapable of driving SUVs which offer them a false sense of safety.The really bad offenders also have their kids on board.


Trust me I've seen so many and why is it so important to risk an accident to themselves and others by being distracted? Are we living in an age now where phone conversations just cannot wait? Before cell phones came along the world seemed to run just as well without the damned things

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I'm an HGV driver and you get an elevated view of what is going on and it is amazing the amount of people still using their phones while driving, it is women drivers who seem to be the worst culprits,and truck drivers are bad for it as well not so much the artics drivers but usually the 7.5 and transit drivers, no-one has any excuse for driving while using their phone, hands free and blue tooth kits are cheap enough to buy nowadays.

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