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Milking the poor to make the rich.. richer.

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I'm not really concerned about individual cases, but more about the increased flexibility overall for the economy. Everybody is different and not all will have the same requirements.


Which is why we need affordable houses, cheaper to buy and cheaper to rent.



There would still be choice. People could still buy. Many would. But rental opportunities would be wider and strategically built in the places where homes were needed.


I think we agree on this but I would solve by banning buy to let and encouraging built to let.



You don't pay interest on rent. Yes rent will continue for life unless you buy. So what? Some people are happy with that.


No but the rent is usually higher than borrowing money, in my daughters case it would be much cheaper buying the property she is going to rent, her problems is that the property isn't for sale and there are no other suitable properties for sale so she is forced to rent for now. It’s not a good situation and takes some of the disposable income she would have if she bought. This leaves her less to spend in the economy.




The quantity of units delivered to the market would reduce competition. This is about a radical expansion of supply.

I wouldn't want to continue building houses just to supply an ever expanding population; I would prefer a limit to the amount o houses each person can own, and a very slow reduction in population size.




It wouldn't be below market rent, although rent could be controlled if necessary.
If it’s not below market rent how would it be cheaper than buying since renting is already more expensive than buying?



The builders are currently failing the economy. If they didn't build the houses for rent they would be taxed punatively for sitting on unused potentially productive land.
Government and councils own fast swaths of land, my local council demolished hundreds of houses but still haven't replaced them, I imagine they are waiting to sell the land at an higher price when things pick, if anyone needs targeting it government and councils.




No sector should be holding the economy to ransom. Not the banks. Not the housebuilders.

I agree, not even the public sector and it is they that have the land that could be built on.

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Fisking Andy does it mean copying facts if so to who or what are you referring .

Sorry but you are not clear ,to me anyway.


From the line by line dissection of the rubbish written by Robert Fisk, "journalist" and propagandist.


Line by line rebuttal of claimed facts/opinion. In the case of this thread the massive overuse of the quote function on every other sentence rendering it unreadable.

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From the line by line dissection of the rubbish written by Robert Fisk, "journalist" and propagandist.


Line by line rebuttal of claimed facts/opinion. In the case of this thread the massive overuse of the quote function on every other sentence rendering it unreadable.

It's me new word in reply to her on the settee, when she starts bending my ear .

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No but the rent is usually higher than borrowing money, in my daughters case it would be much cheaper buying the property she is going to rent, her problems is that the property isn't for sale and there are no other suitable properties for sale so she is forced to rent for now. It’s not a good situation and takes some of the disposable income she would have if she bought. This leaves her less to spend in the economy.


I won't fisk this one :) but I want to make an important point about the bit in bold. It would be much cheaper NOW but we have something freakish happening with our interest rates. They are abnormally low. They won't stay like that.


---------- Post added 03-12-2012 at 23:06 ----------


From the line by line dissection of the rubbish written by Robert Fisk, "journalist" and propagandist.


Line by line rebuttal of claimed facts/opinion. In the case of this thread the massive overuse of the quote function on every other sentence rendering it unreadable.


I didn't start it. I got caught by several consecutive posts by different posters that adopted that style in reponse to my earlier posts. I think it was done to make it harder for me to reply. So I took it on. I'll refrain.


---------- Post added 03-12-2012 at 23:08 ----------


Don't see how a whole load of new taxes are going to help make the cost of living cheaper myself.


We need a more simple, more enforcable and more efficient tax system.

Edited by I1L2T3
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I think its hard to be trully satisfied working for other people

There is always a nagging feeling that you arent forfilling your passion or following dreams. Facebook is right too, you can't get wealthy as an employee.

That's not to say It's wrong to go through life only as an employee, i just believe everyone should work for themselves at least once. You only know and understand true hardship working for yourself! It's so easy clocking in and out, and picking up a cheque every month.

Life is a journey tho, who's to say what the right path is?

Edited by TJC1
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I think its hard to be trully satisfied working for other people

There is always a nagging feeling that you arent forfilling your passion or following dreams. Facebook is right too, you can't get wealthy as an employee.

That's not to say It's wrong to go through life only as an employee, i just believe everyone should work for themselves at least once. You only know and understand true hardship working for yourself! It's so easy clocking in and out, and picking up a cheque every month.

Life is a journey tho, who's to say what the right path is?


My OH was self employed for 20+ years, and he'd agree with you. He had some very good years, but external forces meant opportunities to earn were reduced. He often worked away, he worked unsocial hours, but in the beginning he did follow his dream. For every person who becomes seriously successful running his/her own business, there are thousands of self employed just keeping their heads above water.


---------- Post added 04-12-2012 at 06:23 ----------


From the line by line dissection of the rubbish written by Robert Fisk, "journalist" and propagandist.


Line by line rebuttal of claimed facts/opinion. In the case of this thread the massive overuse of the quote function on every other sentence rendering it unreadable.


I agree. I tend to ignore posts like that now, as they don't make for easy, or even interesting, reading.

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I won't fisk this one :) but I want to make an important point about the bit in bold. It would be much cheaper NOW but we have something freakish happening with our interest rates. They are abnormally low. They won't stay like that.



This one doesn't need frisking, :D


You make a good point, I do however think when interest rates rise, the buy to let landlords and those people letting out their houses because they are unable to sell they will try to increase their rents to compensate. If an interest rate rise forces sales it will have the desired effect of crashing the market and renting may well be cheaper in the short term, but as house prices drop renting will once again become more expensive. The end result will be cheaper housing to buy and rent at which point buy to let will buy all the cheap houses unless the practise is banned or heavily taxed.

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