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Milking the poor to make the rich.. richer.

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I won't fisk this one :) but I want to make an important point about the bit in bold. It would be much cheaper NOW but we have something freakish happening with our interest rates. They are abnormally low. They won't stay like that.




If interest rates go up,and therefore mortgage payments,won't rents rise to cover them? Maybe not immediatley but at the next rent review? Genuine question..

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  • 4 years later...
I'll certainly not get rich from doing my job (supporting people with disabilities). In popular parlance that probably wouldn't make me very successful (which for some strange reason a lot of people equate with material wealth), but there are other indicators of success too.

Conversely I'm sure most people will have read stories of people who work in high flying occuptions, but leave for something more meaningful as their values change.


The cynic in me thinks that's nearly always because they have plenty of money in the bank to do it. Otherwise they just wouldn't do it.

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Well, you are too kind. While I haven't been a council house tenant I have ventured into such places; I do on occasion drive through a council estate which allows me to cut out a roundabout on the ring road. It saves a few minutes but I almost feel the need to clean the car's tyres afterwards.


That said it can be entertaining in a voyeuristic way, seeing the shell suits, fat people, young mothers with multi-hued broods, chip shops, Spar/Coop type shops and pubs overflowing with unsavoury-looking types who crowd the doorways indulging in that great hobby of the cerebrally-challenged: smoking.



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