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Mittens?? why??

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  • 2 years later...
why would somebody wear mittens when theres gloves? i dont see the point? surely its better to have fingers?

why were they invented when theres gloves???




It is because your fingers keep each other warm. Perfectly sensible.

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I had the privilege of working in Tromso (northern Norway) last winter in temperatures around -30C. all the locals wore mittens and laughed at our so called warm gloves. when we tried the mittens the difference was unbelievable and cold hands were a thing of the past.

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If you need extra manoeuvrability with fingers get military mittens with trigger finger separate. And you can get waterproof ones.

But they don't work just as good as those dangling on a string knitted or sewn by grandmother.

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The person who requires the sheepskin mittens has Raynaud's Disease so his fingers are cold and white. The advice is that mittens are better than gloves for increasing warmth. There is no doubt that mittens are warmer than gloves. However, I rather hoped that someone might know of a leather/sheepskin shop in South Yorkshire that might sell these but it seems not. Looks like we will have to purchase via the Internet.

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The person who requires the sheepskin mittens has Raynaud's Disease so his fingers are cold and white. The advice is that mittens are better than gloves for increasing warmth. There is no doubt that mittens are warmer than gloves. However, I rather hoped that someone might know of a leather/sheepskin shop in South Yorkshire that might sell these but it seems not. Looks like we will have to purchase via the Internet.


I don't have Raynaud's phenomenon. I know this because I'm related to someone who DOES have Raynaud's and her hands have a lot more problem than mine. I think that mine is a combination of being post menopausal and having one hand which is partially paralysed so it does a lot less moving about than it should, and the other is always holding on to a walking stick, which is metal and conducts away heat a lot.


Either way round, sorry that nobody can help you with a sheepskin shop. I always buy over the internet from Lambland.

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