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UKIP Immigration and Asylum Policy

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Well, I don't think that's quite what the 'new DNA evidence' reveals (it's more complex than you suggest), but OK, so you would deport anyone whose forbears arrived after 890 AD? That 's still a huge number of us. I'd definitely be on the hit list, as one of my grandmothers was French and the other Irish. In fact I don't think I know anyone who comes from a pure undefined line of true Brits stretching back to 890.


If not that far back for your deportation list, then when, exactly?



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So how far back would be have to trace one's ancestry to these islands to be safe from UKIP 's deportation policy?


Please be clear.


UKIP don't have a deportation policy, other than maybe foreign born criminals, I think someone has been winding you up.



UKIP calls for an immediate five-year freeze on immigration for permanent settlement. We aspire to ensure that any future immigration does not exceed 50,000 people p.a.


As you can see they don't even plan on stopping immigration.

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UKIP don't have a deportation policy, other than maybe foreign born criminals, I think someone has been winding you up.


You want to check your facts more carefully.


Yes I know that it is old, but revealing nonetheless.

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UKIP don't have a deportation policy, other than maybe foreign born criminals, I think someone has been winding you up.


On the contrary. Nigel Farage was very clear on Question Time last week that immigration from outside and within the EU should cease and that there should be a programme of repatriation for those not entitled to live here. He was not simply referring to foreign born criminals. See:



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Historically this country has been white skinned,we come from Germanic roots,Aryan in fact,I'm sure this answer has you frothing at the mouth but historically its true.

Now you can call me a racist all you want but the fact I have a lovely black Jamaican woman sort of demolishes that doesn't it,I have no problem with someone skin color,I do have a major problem with mass immigration and people like you with far left views who have no love of their culture and history,now is that clear enough??


The fact that you 'have' a lovely black Jamaican proves nothing - except perhaps hypocrisy.

I wonder where your 'Jamaican' girlfriend was born? Does she know that you think black people have less worth than white?

Saying that you don't have any issue with people's skin colour is essentially lying (in public) on your part - you quite plainly do, since you cling to the bizarre notion that people who aren't white can't be British.

I wonder if your black girlfriend and yourself have ever talked about having a family?


I suspect not, since by your own warped logic your kids would be foreigners.

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On the contrary. Nigel Farage was very clear on Question Time last week that immigration from outside the EU should cease and that there should be a programme of repatriation for those not entitled to live here. He was not simply referring to foreign born criminals.


Yes the illegal immigrants that shouldn’t be here, not the ones that have moved here and been granted British citizenship. You are confusing legal immigration and illegal immigrants.

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What fact do you think I got wrong?

Repatriate the many thousands of illegal immigrants, they are illegal and should be repatriated.


Do you still think they should be deported if they're good citizens, earning, contributing to our economy and have children here at school?

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What fact do you think I got wrong?

Repatriate the many thousands of illegal immigrants, they are illegal and should be repatriated.


You said that UKIP don't have a deportation policy, except for foreign born criminals. Didn't you?

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