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UKIP Immigration and Asylum Policy

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If in theory, we had a UKIP majority government, immigration would be drastically reduced, gaining entry at all made far more difficult and would be a less desirable destination for those wanting a free ride on our welfare state once that option is taken away from migrants. Year on year, hopefully the number of new illegals gaining entry would reduce, allowing them to take some control of the backlog of illegals already here.


We'd finally have control of our own borders, able to set our own immigration policy by our own elected government. We'd be able to deport foreign miscreants. The British people would have a lot more confidence that people entering the country are here to work, be of genuine benefit to the country filling skills gaps, not here just to take the pee pee out of us hard working taxpayers.

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does, UKIP have any costed plans to " Return people found to be living illegally in the UK to their country of origin."?


Given that by their own estimation there are 1 million illegal immigrants living here.


What has always proved to be a stumbling block is that many countries will not take back their compatriots, even if we could prove from where they came. Another problem is the number of people required to ensure that, once these illegal immigrants have been found and processed, they are transported out of this country.


"If something is to hard to do, then it's not worth doing" [Homer Simpson]

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No we are talking about the UKIP immigration policy and illegal immigrants are only a part of it, we spend millions fighting EU courts cases just to kick a couple of undesirables, all the illegal’s must being doing something, perhaps they are doing illegal work and not paying tax, work that could be done by the unemployed which would reduce the benefits bill, perhaps they steel to survive and end up in prison costing us thousands in court and prison fees. Then there’s all the new ones that arrive on a daily basis that are entitled to housing, benefits and work, as well as having their cultural and ethnic needs pandered for.


My question, which no-one seems to be able to answer, was related to the deportation of illegal immigrants. I don't think any of the parties condones illegal immigration and they all would have trouble ridding our shores of them.


However, given that one of the main planks of UKIP's manifesto is the removal of the illegal immigrants I simply want to know how it would be achieved.


Your attempts to put up a smokescreen does not detract from my questions:


How to go about finding these illegal immigrants

How to establish their countries of origin

How to ensure that their countries of origin accept them

How to fund the mass transportation required

How to fund the massive amount of security staff required to accompany them on their way home


Plus many others, I'm sure.

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My question, which no-one seems to be able to answer, was related to the deportation of illegal immigrants. I don't think any of the parties condones illegal immigration and they all would have trouble ridding our shores of them.


However, given that one of the main planks of UKIP's manifesto is the removal of the illegal immigrants I simply want to know how it would be achieved.


Your attempts to put up a smokescreen does not detract from my questions:


How to go about finding these illegal immigrants

How to establish their countries of origin

How to ensure that their countries of origin accept them

How to fund the mass transportation required

How to fund the massive amount of security staff required to accompany them on their way home


Plus many others, I'm sure.



Your pals in the labour party should have thought more on the consequences of their open the door policy.

Perhaps you should concentrate your questions towards them as they were the main perpetraitors.


not a spelling mistake.

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Your pals in the labour party should have thought more on the consequences of their open the door policy.

Perhaps you should concentrate your questions towards them as they were the main perpetraitors.


not a spelling mistake.


I think we've established over the years your antipathy towards the Labour Party. However, this thread is about UKIP's immigration policy, do you see?

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I think we've established over the years your antipathy towards the Labour Party. However, this thread is about UKIP's immigration policy, do you see?



So you wonder how another party is expected to clean up the mess left behind by labour, seems about right.


Don't Sh** on the country in the first place then you won't need a clean up crew afterwards.

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How do you feel about this idea:

All those with a lawful claim to residence in UK get an identity card.

Maybe this could be in the form of a "dog chip" implanted somewhere.

All employers must see this ID.

Overseas visitors (such as Australians) would need a paper card with a validity date on it, and an option to renew.

If someone is found to have no ID, they go to a labour camp to perform necessary work in return for food and shelter, unless they choose to go home.

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