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UKIP Immigration and Asylum Policy

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Why can't people accept that a lot of people in this country are not happy with the immigration policies of our mainstream parties and recent governments. There is concern about this from people of almost every political persuasion, and even those who don't vote, that does not necessarily make them racist !

UKIP have gained ground based on their views of both our position in the EU and on immigration, that does not make them a racist party, but they may get racists voting for them just as every other party has ... and I know quite a few Labour voters who have racist views !

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In what way, do you think there are thousands of illegal British immigrants in foreign countries that will be sent back here if we send illegal’s home.


I did not say there were thousands of illegal Brits abroad,what I meant was other countries will block movement thereby relieving the pressure on there borders just like we will be doing.In other words a massive buerocratic bottleneck!.Do you seriously think they will be all nicey nicey?.

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you were the first to make the direct connection on this thread, so I asked you why. could you please answer the question.


On the subject of members of the national front joining the conservative party, I know no knowledge of this, can you provide some proof to back up your claim.


No I wasn't, the first post I made in this particular thread was to quote an earlier post by another person.


This thread and this one http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=984211 should be really merged.


Your last point:


"At the same time, Margaret Thatcher as opposition leader was moving the Tory party back to the right and away from the moderate Heathite stance which had caused some Conservatives to join the NF. Many ex-Tories returned to the fold from the NF or its myriad splinter groups, in particular after her "swamping" remarks on the ITV documentary series World In Action on 30 January 1978:"



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Refugees are meant to go to the closest country for refuge. When it comes to political prisoners, these are people who are rejected by their societies and their governments.


Because of our own massive sense of self-righteousness and self-regard, we like to think of such people as truth-seeking liberal spirits, whose rebellious liberal idealism is cruelly crushed by despotic regimes.


Who would our political refugees be? Nick Griffin? Members of the EDL? Anjem Choudery?


A lot of these people are probably just oddballs and malcontents who can't fit in, why do we advertise ourselves as a haven to such people, how is that sustainable?


That's not to mention that ridiculous sums of money we waste in determining refugee and asylum status (i read that in 2004 we paid for 120,000 asylum cases with legal aid, even though there were 85,000 claims for asylum).


85,000 people claiming for asylum in one year is ridiculous anyway - all their cases paid for by the public. just mad. we are not a world charity.


Just stop these ridiculous schemes and send the message out that you cannot expect to come here as a refugee or while seeking Asylum no legal aid, nothing.




this whole "refugee and asylum" thing has to end

It's become completely unsustainable.

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I did not say there were thousands of illegal Brits abroad,what I meant was other countries will block movement thereby relieving the pressure on there borders just like we will be doing.In other words a massive buerocratic bottleneck!.Do you seriously think they will be all nicey nicey?.


I doubt other countries would block the movement of people just because we did, most countries have a much lower population density to the UK and would still welcome people with the ability to support themselves including the British.

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No I wasn't, the first post I made in this particular thread was to quote an earlier post by another person.


Your first post on this thread was:


A spade is still a spade regardless of which handle you put on it.


which was in reply to:


The left should thank UKIP for destroying the BNP, their days are numbered.


And that is what sparked my question, so I will ask again, you appear to imply the BNP and UKIP are the same. Please explain why?


Your last point:


"At the same time, Margaret Thatcher as opposition leader was moving the Tory party back to the right and away from the moderate Heathite stance which had caused some Conservatives to join the NF. Many ex-Tories returned to the fold from the NF or its myriad splinter groups, in particular after her "swamping" remarks on the ITV documentary series World In Action on 30 January 1978:"




So you are saying that back in the 70's this happened and that means the Tory party of the modern day, some 40 years later is the same party with the same members?

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This thread is a complete and utter disgrace.


We've got people favouring repatriating people regadless of the dangers that they might face at home. Work camps mooted. Loads and loads of thinly veiled xenophobia. And a side helping of neo-nazis.


Good work everybody. Do keep it up.


In a room just above my head, I have a file of documents from my mother-in-law. There is extensive paperwork that purports to prove that she wasn't Jewish. In the end, she couldn't prove that conclusively, but she did get an affidavit from a Catholic priest. On the back of that, she also gained a German ID card. Lucky that. She was German, but spent a large part of her early life running from persecutors.


It would be nice to think that we've moved in from 1930s Germany. It seems that some on here have not.




so were all nazis now are we for questioning "multicultural england":hihi:

There was never a debate about whether the people of Britain wanted to become 'multicultural'...our arrogant political class made that decision in the interests of driving down wages....it's time to have that debate. The arrogance of the left wing on this issue is breathtaking, labelling as bigots anyone that wants to have the debate, coming as it does from folk who don't live in the same streets as the immigrants.


The left wing has to wake up and look after the workers in the UK...it is not their job to provide jobs to people living in other coutries, and they should reduce immigration immediately and until the unemployment figures indicate that all residents in the UK that want jobs, have them; and they should really crack down on illegal immigrants claiming benefits.

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so were all nazis now are we for questioning "multicultural england":hihi:

There was never a debate about whether the people of Britain wanted to become 'multicultural'...our arrogant political class made that decision in the interests of driving down wages....it's time to have that debate. The arrogance of the left wing on this issue is breathtaking, labelling as bigots anyone that wants to have the debate, coming as it does from folk who don't live in the same streets as the immigrants.


The left wing has to wake up and look after the workers in the UK...it is not their job to provide jobs to people living in other coutries, and they should reduce immigration immediately and until the unemployment figures indicate that all residents in the UK that want jobs, have them; and they should really crack down on illegal immigrants claiming benefits.


Immigration does need to be debated, as does our involvement in the eu. But.....


Illegal immigrants can't claim benifits.

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We've got people favouring repatriating people regadless of the dangers that they might face at home. Work camps mooted. Loads and loads of thinly veiled xenophobia. And a side helping of neo-nazis.


It would be nice to think that we've moved in from 1930s Germany. It seems that some on here have not.

I expect many (most) such posters on here haven't experienced wartime- or economically-motivated displacements, nor come from families who have.


England hasn't been invaded for centuries, nor had cause for mass economical emigration e.g. per the XIXth century famine in Ireland.


Black shirts and their like always surface back and find fertile ground in times of economical penury.

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