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Hot Pants - City Hall


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On Saturday night ..


The "doorstaff" of this establishment refused entry to a small respectable and well behaved, group of 30 something men, because in their words " we were more than four blokes " we aren't allowed by the police to let any groups of more than four blokes in.....


If we'd split up before coming round the corner, we could have gone in, but now they know we are more than four, we have to go elsewhere.


What complete idiocy, they knew that none of us wanted to cause or become involved with any sort of trouble, its just a power trip for them, because they are so thick, sad, and bitter, that they have to stand outside a nightclub on a Saturday night because its the only job they are capable of doing.


So gentlemen, when your council tax has paid for the refurbishment of the place, and the wages of the pondlife security facist gestapo dogs. You had better split yourselves into groups of less than four, even better if you can grab a passing woman and pretend you are with her, you can go inside and do whatever you want .....

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To be honest I dont think you were really missing much and its overpriced for what it is anyway! Ive been to city hall twice once for hot pants and once for fairy liquid and both have to top my list of worst nights out! At hot pants my friend and i got drinks thrown over us on dancefloor by some lasses just because we were dressed up (had planned to go elsewhere originally) and were getting attention from the guys - i think any place where people like that go cant be great and the 2nd time there wasnt much better either!


Anyway i hope you were able to have a good night wherever else you ended up


hazel xx

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