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Petrol Stations In the 70's


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Steviered mentions Yardy's garage at the top of Handsworth, next to the Turf Tavern. Originally built for Norman Yardy. My late parents had the place from early 1969 to mid 1983, during which time it was pulled down and re-built (early 1979), as, what then called, a Shell Super Site. We should never have agreed to the development, was much better as petrol/servicing/MOT etc. My parents lived in the large flat above the place, but also had a bungalow at Bepton near Flamborough. My parents were Victor and Jessie Hutchinson, many local people will remember them - particularly the fact that my father always wore a bow tie, and used the Turf Tavern, New Crown, Old Crown, Angel, white Rose etc to meet his friends and customers

Best Wishes from Grey Eminence - Subang Jaya - Malaysia

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I worked at the Jet Petrol Station on Effingham Road in the late 60's early 70's on Saturdays and a couple of evenings in the week. I wore a bright yellow overcoat(!), called the customers Sir or Madam-not mate, served the petrol at 6/- a gallon, cleaned the place and for most of the time was the only one there. So when serving petrol the office was unattended but there were never any 'incidents'. All for 4/- an hour-that's 20p an hour. At 16 I felt like a millionaire.

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I remember when we had six petrol stations in Handsworth. Coming up from Darnall there was the Mobil station just over the bridge beside the White Rose, then up past the Norfolk there was the Jet station, which is the A57 Testing Station, just opposite was the Esso station, which is now a car wash, further along on the same side was Yardys garage then further along where the Indian Resturant is was a Regent station, which is another car wash, then at the junction of Retford Rd. and Beaverhill Rd. was another Regent station. There was also Handsworth Motor Co. but that closed down in the early 60's I think, I didn't start driving until 1965.


There was also a very small petrol station down Handsworth Road on the left

just before the Prince of Wales Rd traffic lights. They only had one pump and my father in law used to regularly stop there. An old fashioned gas lamp stood nearby. I often wonder what happened to the gas lamp after the properties were demolished.

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I remember Owlerton Green Garage in the early /mid 60's . I bought 4 cars from the garage, as did my dad . I think the chap in the office was Ron Bingham and the owners were the Eyres , who lived at Lodge Moor. Our family had good deals and service from this garage, until his untimely death later in the 1960's. I attended his funeral .


Gary Marshman

North Wales

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I remember Owlerton Green Garage in the early /mid 60's . I bought 4 cars from the garage, as did my dad . I think the chap in the office was Ron Bingham and the owners were the Eyres , who lived at Lodge Moor. Our family had good deals and service from this garage, until his untimely death later in the 1960's. I attended his funeral .


Gary Marshman

North Wales


Yes Colin Eyre was my dad,he died in march 1966,he was 46,also Ron Bingham was indeed in the office,he later went up to carmyles and ran the stores dept.I seem to recall there was a huge turnout for my dad,I was only 9 and my elder brother 15.Regards,Colin Eyre jnr.

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Colin Eyre did me deal for my Minivan against a 9 month old Austin Mini, then a part ex. for a 1962 Ford Classic Capri, then a Morris 1000 convertible followed by a 1962 last of the Mk 2 Ford Zephyr 6 in 1965 , which I kept for 3 years and was brilliant. After the death of Colin the garage did not offer the same charisma, and further purchases were from Bentley Bros . Colin Eyre was a hard act to follow and was well missed at the time. My mum and dad socialised with them until his death and well remember them visiting our house on Sandygate Road, Crosspool.


Good to hear from Colin Eyre junior


Gary Marshman

North Wales

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Colin Eyre did me deal for my Minivan against a 9 month old Austin Mini, then a part ex. for a 1962 Ford Classic Capri, then a Morris 1000 convertible followed by a 1962 last of the Mk 2 Ford Zephyr 6 in 1965 , which I kept for 3 years and was brilliant. After the death of Colin the garage did not offer the same charisma, and further purchases were from Bentley Bros . Colin Eyre was a hard act to follow and was well missed at the time. My mum and dad socialised with them until his death and well remember them visiting our house on Sandygate Road, Crosspool.


Good to hear from Colin Eyre junior


Gary Marshman

North Wales

Mum carried on running both garages alone until 1972 when,due to family circumstances she put them in to voluntary liquidation.She then left the motor trade and purchased lodge moor cafe.She ran that until she fell ill with jaundice,mainly due I think to overwork.After her recovery and we relocated to lancashire,she worked as a book keeper to a solicitor and retired at 75!She passed away only a few years ago aged 86,I cared for her for the last few years of her life as she contracted altzeimers.It's very rare for me to find anyone that knew my dad,my memories of him are rather vague,mum always did say that he was a good man and very popular.

Thanks for your post Gary.

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