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Petrol Stations In the 70's


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I remember in years gone by after filling your car up, the attendants would often clean your car windscreen too free of charge !! Now that's service for you. :thumbsup:


Yes francypants that practice was imported from the Continent. In the mid fifties I recall my dad's windscreen being cleaned of dirt and flies by one member of staff whilst another filled up the tank with fuel. That occurred at virtually every petrol station we stopped at in France, Spain and Italy et al. I don't think it was as widespread in this country. Maybe the 'screens weren't as dirty!



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Re Fancypants and Echo Beach posts - in Malaysia and Singapore it is still mainly attendant service, and yes, they do clean the screen and all the other windows. Almost no one cleans the vehicle here (Malaysia) all garages have a team of car valeting guys, some are open 24/7. Also in the supermarket multi storey car parks there are valeting services. Cost varies for vehicle size, but large 4 x 4 is equivalent to UK Pounds 2-75. I have a Mercedes S.280 and I pay UK Pounds 1-90, but only equivalent to 1-10 for my wife's Mitsubishi Lancer - thorough wash, valet inside and even black the tyres. Petrol is now approx. UK Pounds 1-50 gallon, but 50% more in Singapore and Thailand (both within driving distance of Kuala Lumpur). BUT after moving my business here and living here for about 8 years I have no wish to go back to the UK (originally from Swallownest then Driffield), other than to visit family. BUT they come here every year - guaranteed hot sunny weather, we do not have seasons, just 12 months of hot weather - today, Friday - 8-55am it is 89 degrees and climbing - no arthritis, no aches and pains I should expect at 74 years old and healthy eating via local produce

Best Wishes - Victor

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