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Loyalist foolishness

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Do you think we'd be better off as a Catholic country like Ireland?


Failing to fly a flag which almost half of the population don't feel represents them on the City Hall every day, hardly puts them one step away from becoming a catholic country 'like' (Southern) Ireland - with its secular constitution and five percent Protestant minority who have never been subject to organised dicscrimination in jobs, housing and education, nor cheated out of political representation, like catholics in the north were until they forced the end of rule by sectarian gerrymandering.


But TBH, I think any reasonable person would prefer to live in a 'catholic' country 'like Ireland' than in the type of authoritarian apartheid administration which is hankered for so nostalgically by the rancid bigots who are showing their loyalty to the union flag by attacking its security forces, in the apparent belief that the one and only legitimate role of the UK funded security forces in Northern Ireland is to help a small minority of insular bigots impose their half-witted 17th century sectarian ideology on those uppity catholics, like in the good old days.

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Failing to fly a flag which almost half of the population don't feel represents them on the City Hall every day, hardly puts them one step away from becoming a catholic country 'like' (Southern) Ireland - with its secular constitution and five percent Protestant majority who have never been subject to the massive dicscrimination which catholics in the north had to put up with until they forced the end of rule by sectarian gerrymandering.


But TBH, I think any reasonable person would prefer to live in a 'catholic' country 'like Ireland' than in the type of apartheid sectarian administration which is hankered for so nostalgically by the rancid bigots who are showing their loyalty to the union flag by attacking its security forces - security forces who they seem to believe should be financed by the UK in order to help them impose their rancid sectarian ideology on those uppity catholics, like in the good old days.

Ban religion, Ban the Pope, ban the Queen, from the all of Ireland. Then Join together .

Design a new orange and green flag and stop being bank rolled by Europe and England.

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Donkey. Agree wholeheartedly with your arguments above. There was an exellent article in the "Independant" newspaper a couple of days ago which gave a good account of the Loyalist (youth) demonstrating. Their poor socio-economic situation and hopelessness vis a vis the cultural and political flow of history. The fact that the general direction of demographics and history is also against them. According to the Independant article a lot of the rioters are unemployed and many drug users. From my perspective they look a forlorn lost bunch. They deserve more pity than scorn

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You know what they say about trying to educate pork.


I'm not convinced "Or why don't all the the proddies just bugger off back to Glasgow?" is educational.


It's the sort of bigoted, doesn't matter how many generations you've been here you're not welcome racist rubbish we see from the BNP.

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I'm not convinced "Or why don't all the the proddies just bugger off back to Glasgow?" is educational.


It's the sort of bigoted, doesn't matter how many generations you've been here you're not welcome racist rubbish we see from the BNP.


I was thinking the same, it's the sort of rhetoric you'd expect from the racist BNP. Maybe taxman is BNP.


---------- Post added 09-12-2012 at 21:44 ----------


Donkey. Agree wholeheartedly with your arguments above. There was an exellent article in the "Independant" newspaper a couple of days ago which gave a good account of the Loyalist (youth) demonstrating. Their poor socio-economic situation and hopelessness vis a vis the cultural and political flow of history. The fact that the general direction of demographics and history is also against them. According to the Independant article a lot of the rioters are unemployed and many drug users. From my perspective they look a forlorn lost bunch. They deserve more pity than scorn


Not entirely indifferent to the rioters in London last year, the sort of people you'd expect rioters to be.

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The Great Famine or in the Irish langauage "an Gorta Mor" is considered by some to be an act of deliberate genocide. Prior to the famine food and livestock were being exported to Britain while the native Irish lived in poverty on the estates of absentee aristocratic English landlords and the protectionist corn laws which imposed extremely high import taxes on foreign grown corn denied the Irish an alternative source of food when the potatoes went bad.


Many historians claim the the great famine became what's called "folk memory" among the Irish and was the start of Irish nationalism.


Certainly the hatred must have been strong among the 25 percent of the Irish population who lost families from starvation then endured a few terrible weeks aboard a leaky old ship bound for Boston or New York. Worse yet when thay landed they found that they were still regarded as some kind of sub human species by the Americans of English/Dutch/Protestant Irish origin. Small wonder that when you look at the history of early American gangsterism that almost to a man they were of Catholic Irish, Italian/Sicilian and Jewish origin, the despised new immigrant groups that could only survive by resorting to earnig a living outside the law but they survived by forming their own protectionist groups, Tamany Hall, Cosa Nostra etc and in a generation or two had politicians, big city mayors and just about every big city cop from chief of police down to foot patrolman firmly in their pocket


---------- Post added 09-12-2012 at 22:01 ----------


The English in general wern't to blame but the English ruled the whole of Ireland at the time,so when the Irish didn't get the help they needed they blamed the English,more so because of most the English ruling classes who owned the great estates in Ireland.


Nobody blamed the ordinary Englishman. Why would they? The English lower clasess werent exactly having an easy time of it in the mid 19th century either

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So what is the relevance of tracing Protestants' ancestry back to Scotland as you didn't explain that?

It has about as much relevance as the Battle of the Boyne - the Protestants don't seem too keen to leave that in the past.


If Protestants can't claim close links to the populations they came from in the rest of the UK, it weakens their claim that Northern Ireland should remain part of the UK.

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