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Loyalist foolishness

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My family are rabid Irish republicans. Even they think that this has been handled badly and in a way which appears to be deliberately inflammatory..


It seems deliberately intended to cause this kind of reaction. It could have been handled much more sensitively in a piecemeal way to have the flag gradually flown less often.


After all in northern Ireland things have always worked better when both sides are sensitively dealt with rather than decisions being made which are so obviously partisan to one side.

gradually flown less often.


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Which is how democracy works - they can vote them out if they want, but instead they decided to riot.


They? The entire loyalist community rioted or a handful of the usual suspects? If we were talking about muslims like this the thread would have been locked and rightly so for demonising an entire community on the actions of a few.


The loyalist community will I don't doubt express their displeasure at the actions of the Alliance at the ballot box. They are not communally responsible for the actions of some morons any more than catholics are communally responsible for the murderous actions of the PIRA/INLA/CIRA/RIRA.


I find the whole dress up as Mr Benn marching season rubbish ridiculous but I'm shocked at how many people whose general stance is progressive and tolerant are prepared to insult and marginalise an entire community because of the actions of a few.

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They? The entire loyalist community rioted or a handful of the usual suspects? If we were talking about muslims like this the thread would have been locked and rightly so for demonising an entire community on the actions of a few.


The loyalist community will I don't doubt express their displeasure at the actions of the Alliance at the ballot box. They are not communally responsible for the actions of some morons any more than catholics are communally responsible for the murderous actions of the PIRA/INLA/CIRA/RIRA.


I find the whole dress up as Mr Benn marching season rubbish ridiculous but I'm shocked at how many people whose general stance is progressive and tolerant are prepared to insult and marginalise an entire community because of the actions of a few.

I agree ,blaming an entire community for the riots of a proportion of extremist bigots is ridiculous.

How would we feel if the whole of England were blamed for the Tottenham riots for example.

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The Catholics and Protestants have had mutual hatred bred into them for generations. It will take a few generations of virtual peace before it is bred out again.


It was more than just about religion even though rabble rousers and hate mongers like Ian Paisley managed to help things along

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Reading through your posts it's clear where your politics lie. The province and most people in it support the peace process but some on the Loyalist and Republican fringes oppose it. I never said the IRA fully disbanded. I previously mentioned both the Continuity and Real IRA as organisations that have carried on the armed struggle having broken away from the IRA over the peace process. It is these dissidents and not the old IRA who are continuing the war. The old IRA has given up. The dissidents are still murdering because they want the island of Ireland - all 32 counties - to be a united Irish state. If you don't know that then you're not really up to date with what's going on over there on the Republican side.




I think that over time Irish nationalism will prevail but it may not be in the lifetime of many alive today. There are some states - Israel, Northern Ireland - that are kept going through military strength despite any agreement. Such a need for force to maintain the status quo can't last indefinitely. Go back 30 years and it would have been considered wild to predict the end of Soviet communism and the idea of Paisley and Adams sharing power. Go back 2 years and look for how many people foresaw Lybia and Egypt overthrowing their dictators. Things change.


You don’t know my politics. I’ll tell you what they aren't. I don’t support murdering terrorists. Your comrades in IRA have not gone away they have just put continuity or real in front of IRA. You hope that Irish nationalism will prevail. Would you hope that of British nationalism too?


Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.


Albert Einstein - Brilliant mind and all-round top guy.


---------- Post added 08-12-2012 at 08:40 ----------


Which is how democracy works - they can vote them out if they want, but instead they decided to riot.


---------- Post added 07-12-2012 at 22:08 ----------



Pot meet kettle. You can't make the claim of stereotyping then do EXACTLY the same thing yourself


Call it what you want but that is what the hard left do.

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You don’t know my politics. I’ll tell you what they aren't. I don’t support murdering terrorists. Your comrades in IRA have not gone away they have just put continuity or real in front of IRA. You hope that Irish nationalism will prevail. Would you hope that of British nationalism too?


Call it what you want but that is what the hard left do.


Your politics are obvious. As soon as someone mentions they support a united Ireland you jump in with the pro-IRA allegations nonsense. The British far right (NF et al) were recently labelling a march in Liverpool in commemoration of the trades unionist James Larkin as pro-IRA. It's a typical ignorant knee-jerk response from the far right. http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/blog/article/2245/cxf-member-declares-police-legitimate-targets The SDLP supports a united Ireland too. They're hardly pro-armed struggle. You also then defend British nationalism and start banging on about the hard left. It's fairly obvious what your politics are.

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It was more than just about religion even though rabble rousers and hate mongers like Ian Paisley managed to help things along


I must agree with you that there is more to it than religion. Hate mongers and rabble rousing on both sides of the divide. Gerry Adams and Ian Paisley were two good examples. I must say Ian Paisley’s voice, in particular, was grating.

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The nationalists desire to be part of a state whose people give even less of a gnats fart about them would make them worse or better in your view?


All nationalism is garbage in my view, whether it's British or Irish nationalism. I think Catholics in NI had genuine grievances during the latter part of the 20th century expressed through the civil rights movement and then against British state oppression, but the idea that nationalism was the only possible vehicle for those grievances is invalid. I think SF have as little to offer most Catholics as the DUP/PUP have to offer most Protestants. You seem tainted with sectarianism though.

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I must agree with you that there is more to it than religion. Hate mongers and rabble rousing on both sides of the divide. Garry Adams and Ian Paisley were two good examples. I must say Ian Paisley’s voice, in particular, was grating.


Has Garry take over from his brother Gerry?I know Ian Paisley has been succeeded by his son.

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