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JSA, Income Support, ESA and Child benefit all to be CUT

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Much better post from you this time :) I do know of people who fiddle the system and its annoying. Genuine jobseekers do have a very low standard of living and it hurts when someone says they are living it up. I just wish there were jobs out there for everybody, then there would be no excuses for the workshy and indeed then I would agree that their benefits should be stopped. :)


Thank you, however I do believe that even if we had enough jobs for everyone, we'd still have the workshy and feckless trying to play the system for the most possible reward for the least possible effort.


We need to take away the option of a benefits lifestyle, so that we can give more help to those unfortunate few who really can't work. Too many people out there with glass backs , or depression. Some people just need to get a grip and get on with it.


I myself have had 4 operations on my spine, and could quite easily have taken the option of an easy life on benefits, however my own self respect doesn't allow me to.


I even swapped one of my cars for an automatic at one point, as driving a manual was too painful.

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We need to take away the option of a benefits lifestyle, so that we can give more help to those unfortunate few who really can't work. Too many people out there with glass backs , or depression. Some people just need to get a grip and get on with it.


I hope your point is that you feel there are too many falsely claiming depression. In many cases it is a serious and life-threatening illness.

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"The High Income Child Benefit charge will be introduced from 7 January 2013. You may be liable to this new tax charge if you, or your partner, have an individual income of more than £50,000 and one of you gets Child Benefit. It may also apply if someone else receives Child Benefit for a child who lives with you"




but i don't know any family that works and earns more than around 18k pa between them...


- thank you for the link


Seriously? Most people who have a professional job earn more than £18k. However, not many are in the £50k bracket.

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If you consider chemically produced slop at that price to be beer.

Are you trying to change the goal posts now? What beer is it that you can't buy in the supermarket and get a couple of bottles for £4.00?

It's the fact that they choose to spend money on non essential items, whilst chanting 'woe is me' that I have issue with

Maybe the chanting is just the voices in your head.

- Those who can afford weed, booze,etc but complain that they've only had a 1% increase. I would like to see that choice removed from them.

What choice? The choice about how they budget?

Did you miss the hard earned bit...

You put it in brackets, the key point was that we all have to prioritise, why don't you want those who are claiming benefit to be able to prioritise?

Exactly, they put food, fuel, heating, housing and family first; not alcohol, tobacco, etc - Essential vs Non-essential.

Who's to say they don't, why do you begrudge them saving a pound a week and buying a few beers every month?

Yet you were the one warning about a reduction in tax revenues earlier in this thread.


Not immediately, but it gets the bleeding heart liberals pleading their case for more.

Where are they then? The people pleading the case for bigger increases?


---------- Post added 18-12-2012 at 08:38 ----------


"The High Income Child Benefit charge will be introduced from 7 January 2013. You may be liable to this new tax charge if you, or your partner, have an individual income of more than £50,000 and one of you gets Child Benefit. It may also apply if someone else receives Child Benefit for a child who lives with you"




but i don't know any family that works and earns more than around 18k pa between them...


- thank you for the link


With the exception of students I don't think I know any individual who earns less than this, never mind a family with both parents working.

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The cuts are to furnish the bankers with their bonuses. Does not anyone understand how much it costs to buy a decent home in London. We are talking up to 30 million you dolts! To pay for this entitlement one needs to be paid! So everyone directly or indirectly gives their money to the banks, to pay for the debts on the loans they made to stupid, ignorant people, or suckers as they are known. This pays decent wages to the financial industry, so boosting the housing industry, keeping up prices in London.


Benefits, wages, need to be lower, as its time for the unwashed to stop washing so much. We need to realise that the banks are reluctant to fully disclose their complete debts, thus its more an incremental approach over time, disclosing a need for more money, so as not to frighten the mob. Quantitative easing is in reality just a way to give the banks more cash, which the general public, who the unwashed are a significant minority, would not want us to fail, and thus agree to finance us, as in giving their money for a decade or so. The banks are far too important to fail, and unlike those on benefits, wages, and other handouts, need people to envy them, and their wealth, which the downtrodden give, or as some say is taken, to their obvious superior beings. Please learn to pity the financial industry as we like the mob are victims, and without lots of cash, would not have the status and admiration such a position deserves. We are NOT all equal, as some are far more equal than others!

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