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JSA, Income Support, ESA and Child benefit all to be CUT

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The cuts are to furnish the bankers with their bonuses. Does not anyone understand how much it costs to buy a decent home in London. We are talking up to 30 million you dolts! To pay for this entitlement one needs to be paid! So everyone directly or indirectly gives their money to the banks, to pay for the debts on the loans they made to stupid, ignorant people, or suckers as they are known. This pays decent wages to the financial industry, so boosting the housing industry, keeping up prices in London.


Benefits, wages, need to be lower, as its time for the unwashed to stop washing so much. We need to realise that the banks are reluctant to fully disclose their complete debts, thus its more an incremental approach over time, disclosing a need for more money, so as not to frighten the mob. Quantitative easing is in reality just a way to give the banks more cash, which the general public, who the unwashed are a significant minority, would not want us to fail, and thus agree to finance us, as in giving their money for a decade or so. The banks are far too important to fail, and unlike those on benefits, wages, and other handouts, need people to envy them, and their wealth, which the downtrodden give, or as some say is taken, to their obvious superior beings. Please learn to pity the financial industry as we like the mob are victims, and without lots of cash, would not have the status and admiration such a position deserves. We are NOT all equal, as some are far more equal than others!


Well it's about time people started to realise the truth and just get on with life !!

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JSA, Income Support, ESA and Child benefit are to be up-rated by 1% over the next 3 years.


This is a CUT in real terms.


Carers benefits and DLA to go up with inflation. (Stay the same)


Pensions to be increased by 2.5%


By heart bleeds for them poor souls. I am not getting a pay rise & I only earn £13,700 before tax with no top ups from the state. If workers are not getting rises why should shirkers? I won't be donating to charity anymore and I certainly won't donate to food collections. Every man & every woman for themselves. You have to look after your own & yourself.

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By heart bleeds for them poor souls. I am not getting a pay rise & I only earn £13,700 before tax with no top ups from the state. If workers are not getting rises why should shirkers? I won't be donating to charity anymore and I certainly won't donate to food collections. Every man & every woman for themselves. You have to look after your own & yourself.


The coalition want people like you to think like this. If your time ever comes when you might find yourself on benefits, I wonder if you will be taking the same attitude? The professional middle-class Daily Mail readers certainly did, when they found themselves out of work for the first time ever, and labeled as 'scrounges'.

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Is there any other way to think? When most working people aren't getting pay rises, why should benefits go up?


Wouldn't being middle class and reading the daily mail be a contradiction?


A single person on JSA/ESA receives £56.00 or over 25's £71.00. These are the poorest people in the country. I cannot believe that you resent the poorest people in society a 1% increase in these benefits.

You should be objecting to the coalition giving a 5% tax increase to the wealthiest in society and MP's salary increases, considering many have numerous other jobs.

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Is there any other way to think? When most working people aren't getting pay rises, why should benefits go up?


Wouldn't being middle class and reading the daily mail be a contradiction?


Because people already below the breadline will starve when the price of food goes up.


---------- Post added 18-12-2012 at 22:48 ----------


A single person on JSA/ESA receives £56.00 or over 25's £71.00. These are the poorest people in the country. I cannot believe that you resent the poorest people in society a 1% increase in these benefits.

You should be objecting to the coalition giving a 5% tax increase to the wealthiest in society and MP's salary increases, considering many have numerous other jobs.




Divide and conquer is working so well isn't it?

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Is there any other way to think? When most working people aren't getting pay rises, why should benefits go up?


It's an interesting point but people in jobs not getting pay rises are getting angry with the wrong people.


They should be directing their angst at their employers for not being given a pay rise, not taking part in the silly game of demonising benefits claimants.

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It's an interesting point but people in jobs not getting pay rises are getting angry with the wrong people.


They should be directing their angst at their employers for not being given a pay rise, not taking part in the silly game of demonising benefits claimants.


People appear to be oblivious to the fact that owners of newspapers are mostly rich Tory donors stoking it up. Remember the headline of all those families on £100,000 per year housing benefit. It transpired there were only 5, which of course those families don't receive a penny of.



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A single person on JSA/ESA receives £56.00 or over 25's £71.00. These are the poorest people in the country. I cannot believe that you resent the poorest people in society a 1% increase in these benefits.

You should be objecting to the coalition giving a 5% tax increase to the wealthiest in society and MP's salary increases, considering many have numerous other jobs.


Given that the taxes of the people who work and haven't had a pay rise have to pay for any increase in benefits, I can entirely understand why they would begrudge the poorest, none working people, a 1% pay increase which the working will have to pay for.


I'm not objecting to it, I'm explaining why some people will. I do disagree with MPs getting any pay rise.

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