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JSA, Income Support, ESA and Child benefit all to be CUT

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All of the above benefits can be claimed by working people.


And many working people are out of work, they are not voluntarily unemployed.


The benefits to non working people (pensioners) are the ones which have increased the most!


Why are we paying job seekers allowance to people with jobs? Isn't that a contradiction in terms?

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Why are we paying job seekers allowance to people with jobs? Isn't that a contradiction in terms?


Tesco 4 hour contracts, how you expect somebody to live off of 4 hours a week?


These people work and claim JSA also - they are no better off for working.


Under Universal credit there is going to be a hell of a lot of people forced to look for MORE WORK.


We pay tax credits to working parents, often these tax credits (benefits) exceed JSA.


---------- Post added 05-12-2012 at 18:24 ----------


Is this 'chem1st speak' for people who is not getting off their batties?


No its common sense. Recessions and depressions (like the one we are in) are not because millions decided to become lazy and sit on their 'batties'.


Structural unemployment is government policy, it isn't endemic laziness.

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He has not gone far enough. I would scrap income tax for everyone and have different bands of vat that everyone must pay. There should be only child benefit for 1 child not all of them and it should be means tested. All disabled people should be checked by an independent doctor every 6 months and shoul be given a job that matches them, no benefits should be paid to anyone who has not contributed to the system for less than 9 years.


---------- Post added 05-12-2012 at 15:03 ----------


All claimants should be told to turn up to a job club everyday to make sure they are actively looking for work, they must stay

In the building for at least 6 hours a day. Retiner or finger prints scanners to be used. To identify claimants and who is actively look for work. No turn up no pay.



thats a great idea!!, one problem though do you think the motor point arena will mind being used as a venue for this?? don't forget that the amount of unemployed in sheffield runs into the tens of thousands.

then dont forget about the computers that need to be made available because now the only proof of applying for jobs that the advisors will accept is the new jobmatch service at .gov

at least with all those people in one place it should be warm enough.

at the minute i have to spend the days wrapped up and wear gloves and a woolly hat indoors!!. cant afford to put the gas on. hey ho at least i am saving the planet by reducing carbon gas emmision.

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So, no sympathy for those of us who have to work to provide all this "free money" I'm afraid.


No sympathy for ESA claimants too unwell or disabled to work? How many disabled people did you kick on your way to work this morning then?

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Im not rich financially but but just about manage to pay my bills. I have never been out of work but have friends who have and are. You see politically we are inept on one side you have the money people who support none and self regulation a group who would do anything for power and the labour party who say they support the working man but once in power change direction thus we have an apathetic voting system. Conservatives love cuts in power labour love to spend fact. But they all miss a simple economic theory of John micheal kaynes who stated that when an economy has growth you cut public spending when in recession and no growth the you increase public spending neither main party has grasped that nettle because it's away of keeping us a down.

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Its a real terms cut for the next 3 yrs,yet the people responsible for all this mess the bankers live the good life.

As to jobs this is going to get worse when we have hunderds of thousands of Romanians and Bulgarians arriving here soon,all willing to work for peanuts.

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How much does a policeman earn? How much would they recieve in benefit..? I know what you're saying but as it's the government that pay both public sector wages and all benefits then they'd save money by not employing people...


..but then the jobs they had previously employed people to do, wouldn't get done.


I could save money in the health service by closing all the hospitals. I could cut police costs by getting rid of all the police. But then people would be dying left right and centre and your house would be burgled and no-one would even try to catch them.


You can't expect more for less and you can't cut services and expect them to provide a better product.


HMRC has suffered dramatic job losses over the last 7 years....usually nobody would give a damn, but now the zeitgeist says that tax avoidance is wrong, the coffers are empty, the government needs to screw every penny from everyone... so surprise surprise there is investment in HMRC and a recruitment drive.


Short termism by G Brown by sacking 10,000's of tax officers and immigration officials followed by a desperate recruitment drive when the govt (of whatever persuasion) finds out there are no border guards at Heathrow because they've all been made redundant and there aren't enough tax inspectors to deal with sustained and organised tax avoidance.


Sadly decisions are left in the hands of politicians...and they've proved year after year after year that they are incompetent.

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