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JSA, Income Support, ESA and Child benefit all to be CUT

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Let's scrap Trident and save £30 Billion quid. We can also tax financial transactions at 0.05% and make a few more billion quid annually. Then we can impose a one-off 20% tax on the top 10% of earners and that will generate four billion.


That will bring us back into the black and take a slice out of the National Debt that costs us £43 billion every year in interest. Austerity is a lie invented by the Government.

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On what do you base this quite astonishing allegation?


am not sure why you feel that the allegation is astonishing


there were ministers in the thatcher governments in the 80s who made it quite clear that they were quite prepared to see high unemployment


subsequent governments did nothing to address the collapse of industry preferring to let the "market" take jobs and money overseas and using cheap debt, both government and personal, to paper over the cracks

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About time. While people, no matter what there situation, can claim more in benefits than a person on minimum wage is wrong.


Benefits for minimum wage workers are being cut - Child benefit, JSA, tax credits.


This does not address that problem.


Workers should be better off than people on benefits. To solve that problem we need to lower EFFECTIVE MARGINAL TAX RATES. EMTRs aka MDRs (Marginal Deduction Rates) are 100% for the lowest earners. Universal credit should solve this.


---------- Post added 05-12-2012 at 23:47 ----------


Fund Johnnys


They should increase taxes for those earning over 100k per annum by 1%, this would provide funding for Johnnys for people who need them.


It would then reduce the need to pay lots of child benefit


You can already get Johnnys for free on the NHS.

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Let's scrap Trident and save £30 Billion quid. We can also tax financial transactions at 0.05% and make a few more billion quid annually. Then we can impose a one-off 20% tax on the top 10% of earners and that will generate four billion.


That will bring us back into the black and take a slice out of the National Debt that costs us £43 billion every year in interest. Austerity is a lie invented by the Government.



are you taking the P? or just a bit dense?

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We get the government we deserve. Allegedly enough people voted Tory and actually want this style of government. Personally I dont give a crap. I get my pension in 18 months time. I have been semi retired for nearly 5 years already, not entirely by choice, but its better than nothing. Our chancellor is loathe to cut pensions TOO much, he depends too much on getting the 'grey' vote next election. He victimises the sick, the disabled and the unemployed but the pensioners worry him..........and there are more of them every year. If you voted Tory or Liberal you are getting what you voted for. I dont give a crap, why should I ?? I didn't vote for this load of criminals. I wont have to put up with the changes in employment law either, less rights, lower pay..............I cant wait.

We get the government we deserve.

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We get the government we deserve. Allegedly enough people voted Tory and actually want this style of government. Personally I dont give a crap. I get my pension in 18 months time. I have been semi retired for nearly 5 years already, not entirely by choice, but its better than nothing. Our chancellor is loathe to cut pensions TOO much, he depends too much on getting the 'grey' vote next election. He victimises the sick, the disabled and the unemployed but the pensioners worry him..........and there are more of them every year. If you voted Tory or Liberal you are getting what you voted for. I dont give a crap, why should I ?? I didn't vote for this load of criminals. I wont have to put up with the changes in employment law either, less rights, lower pay..............I cant wait.

We get the government we deserve.


There's a lot of Is and me me me in your statement isn't there? The fact that the Torys seized power and bribed the Liberals into government is cold comfort for most of us, especially in this region. Don't forget we're supposed to be in this all together, there is no I and me.

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60% of people on benefits are working, albeit in low paid jobs.


They have no more holes on their belt to tighten, no margin of error to cushion them, they are already at breaking point. They need an increase just to keep their heads above water.


Nobody likes the situation at the moment, but for the low paid and unemployed it's a matter of survival.


I notice no one has anything much to say about the £3 billion which has previously been avoided by people with Swiss bank accounts.

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