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JSA, Income Support, ESA and Child benefit all to be CUT

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We get the government we deserve. Allegedly enough people voted Tory and actually want this style of government. Personally I dont give a crap. I get my pension in 18 months time. I have been semi retired for nearly 5 years already, not entirely by choice, but its better than nothing. Our chancellor is loathe to cut pensions TOO much, he depends too much on getting the 'grey' vote next election. He victimises the sick, the disabled and the unemployed but the pensioners worry him..........and there are more of them every year. If you voted Tory or Liberal you are getting what you voted for. I dont give a crap, why should I ?? I didn't vote for this load of criminals. I wont have to put up with the changes in employment law either, less rights, lower pay..............I cant wait.

We get the government we deserve.



And there you have it the nail on the head,stupid people voted for this so they shouldn't complain too much,I didn't give my vote to any of the big 3 so I can look in the mirror and have a clear conscience.

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He has not gone far enough. I would scrap income tax for everyone and have different bands of vat that everyone must pay.

How would this be administered?


---------- Post added 06-12-2012 at 11:04 ----------


Let's scrap Trident and save £30 Billion quid. We can also tax financial transactions at 0.05% and make a few more billion quid annually. Then we can impose a one-off 20% tax on the top 10% of earners and that will generate four billion.


That will bring us back into the black and take a slice out of the National Debt that costs us £43 billion every year in interest. Austerity is a lie invented by the Government.


What form does this one off tax take?


Is it on annual income (since you mention earners)?


So are you basically suggesting raising the 40% tax rate to 60% for a year?

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You get a company car and have to pay tax on it? I don't know how some people get through life.


I know, life is such a hardship.




I consider my car to be a necessitiy as it is provided for me to carry out my job, including on call work.


I guess this 'cut' means some of those on benefits will have cut back on luxury items, such as SKY, booze and fags... or even weed.

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Let's scrap Trident and save £30 Billion quid. We can also tax financial transactions at 0.05% and make a few more billion quid annually. Then we can impose a one-off 20% tax on the top 10% of earners and that will generate four billion.


That will bring us back into the black and take a slice out of the National Debt that costs us £43 billion every year in interest. Austerity is a lie invented by the Government.


Hows that going to work then? If you are going to up income tax by that much you won't be able to snaffle as much as you think as the moeny will simply never be there. If you are planning a wealth tax as a one off I can't think of a better way of deamaging the country - ever heard of the goose with the golden egg?

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What we should do is use the old' company store' system.

Whereas people who are on benefits do not receive cash, they would go to a government warehouse where they can pick up their weekly groceries as they sign on.

No ciggy's, no alcohol, no 50 inch tv's.

Gas and electric on meters so that their cards can be credited when they sign on also.



Blue touch paper lit, stand back and enjoy fireworks.

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What we should do is use the old' company store' system.

Whereas people who are on benefits do not receive cash, they would go to a government warehouse where they can pick up their weekly groceries as they sign on.

No ciggy's, no alcohol, no 50 inch tv's.

Gas and electric on meters so that their cards can be credited when they sign on also.



Blue touch paper lit, stand back and enjoy fireworks.


If only!!.. sorry but dont people that work realise actually how bad it is for people on benefits? sorry i mean those on JSA. who only have well not even the bare minimum now to supposedly live on.

i can only speak for myself, but i am single no children, have a little two bed house, i worked right up until three years ago when i was diagnosed with server osteoarthritis in my lower back, which meant i had to give up my job ( that i loved).

i have not worked since. and not for the lack of trying!!. but now its 71 pounds a week to live on.

you just cannot survive on that, all of my life savings have gone now i am constantly in pain, i was on the sick but under new regime they put me on JSA. i welcomed that i thought i would get help to get back into work.

HA what a joke that is. employers just dont want to know.

the only thing i look forward to is eventually being forced into a wheel chair for the rest of my life.

and now i am in debt, facing eviction, i have nowhere to turn to.

and you know what i will just end it. no dramatics.

just when i cant bear no more that will be it.

but in the mean time people spout off about the scroungers, people living the high life on benefits!, god you must all be mad. wake up

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